(no subject)

Sep 30, 2010 13:00

Who: Vergil and Baywarp
What: Vergil's gotten his Cybertronian shell built and needs to test a few things out.
Where: Vergil's clinic, formerly Tyran Ratchet's clinic
When: Thursday, I guess.

The hardest part, Vergil felt, had been weeding out the parts he didn't want to use in his Cybertronian shell. Sure, the act of integrating them all together in a coherent whole had been difficult- manufacturing standards varied widely across universes- but that was really more of a mild challenge than anything. The hard part had been choosing what not to use. There was so much to attempt, so much to try....

Well. This was going to have to do. At least he'd gotten a reasonable approximation of his normal visual field out of the newly-installed second and third set of optics. The question now was to make sure that it worked properly, and looked reasonable to potential patients. And for that he needed someone to help him get comfortable in the thing.

One tentacle reached over and tapped out Skywarp's frequency on his communicator.

† transformers: 2007 movie | skywarp, † halo 3 odst | vergil

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