(no subject)

Aug 30, 2010 10:10

WHO: Roger Maxson and Verity Carlo (or whatever she may be calling herself if she's decided to change to her True Spirit Name or something). Kang and Pepper are welcome to turn up if they like.
WHAT: Roger's attempt at breaking what looks to HIM like brainwashing.
WHERE: The backyard of Roger's hostel in zone 3.
WHEN: Sometime after Ironhide's call for a status report.
WARNINGS: So. Very. Much. Cholesterol.

It was generally agreed back in Roger's world that cooking was a matter best left to people who did it for a living. For the most part, that meant either women, trained chefs, or mess sergeants. However, exceptions were far from uncommon, particularly in one field: meat. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the idea of a man who knew how to grill, roast, or otherwise prepare meat-intensive meals (and maybe the occasional vegetable so long as it was absolutely clear that it was tertiary to the MEAT).

This, Roger felt, was a good thing.

The robots had been talking on the comms net about a virus that changed people's behavior. The symptoms he'd seen and heard about were all consistent with those of prisoners of war who'd been abused and brainwashed by their captors. From what he remembered, one of the most viable ways of breaking through brainwashing involved appealing to the victim's deeply held fundamental drives. While he didn't know Verity Carlo well enough to pinpoint a whole lot of those, he remembered her reaction to the description of the California 'danger dog' in their first conversation; you didn't get more fundamental than hunger.

He'd spent two days getting the big guns ready, so to speak. Now to get 'em deployed and take aim. Carefully schooling his face to avoid letting any hint of what his real plans were show through, he picked up the communicator and punched in the call.

"Verity? This is Captain Maxson. I've been thinking about some of the things you said..."

† dragonlance | kang, † fallout | roger maxson, † transformers: idw | verity carlo

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