So many Starscreams so little time...

Aug 25, 2010 00:56

WHO: Animated Megatron Warlord turned Pansy ONETRUESIKORSKY and Emoscreamer WINGEDWOOBIE
WHAT: Trolling the logs to give you more cute in the form of INTENSE CUDDLING before it will never happen again. :l
WHERE: Megatron's Apartment (...okay, and Shockwave's, two of the Starscreams, and Blackout's too. What a party.)
WHEN: After TFA Starscream leaves their apartment to give himself up to Magnum for the antidote, Megatron needs some reassuring words and a warm side to cuddle next to.
WARNINGS/NOTES: Beyond cuddling and possible kissing? Probably nothing.

Megatron hasn't even been awake from recharge for very long, yet he feels horribly taxed; not physically, but mentally. A lot has transpired in a little amount of time, and it seems there is little he can do to sway both Starscreams' decisions.

His own ex-Air Commander is keen on giving himself to Magnum no matter what Megatron himself says. He says he values his opinion, understands his views on things, yet still intends to do what he must to right his own personal wrongs and ensure his change is true and not the effect of this virus. It is... less than settling, but not something he can condone the Seeker for. It has always been in his base programming to be independently strong-willed, he just also happened to have that side-effect of not listening to anyone else in the slightest, whether it was for good intentions or bad.

And his new Air Commander Starscream... he meant well. He did, and that was clear in his actions, but it was frustrating when he clearly wished him to return to his original state and so obviously. Was Megatron's opinion entirely moot? What if he wished to stay this way? But then again... what would that mean for his soldiers? Was that in their best interests?

...It was all so confusing, and with Starscream still attached to his wrist by the cuffs, for the moment Megatron is content to simply allow things to fall aside in the face of the present. The fact that there is a warm mech at his side that wishes him well, and vice versa.

And so they find themselves once more in Megatron's personal bedroom once his ex-Second leaves the apartment, the Warlord's optics brightening the room with the cool aqua glow, his hands fidgeting over the metal of the cuff.

"...I don't think these are necessary anymore, Starscream."

† transformers: unicron tril | starscrea, † transformers: animated | megatron

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