[Actionspam] Stranger in a Strange...Time?

Mar 28, 2011 16:09

[ooc: wheee, first post! (hope I'm Doing It Right. >.<) This is open to anyone who wants to deal with a grumpy bounty hunter, voice, video or action. He hasn't accessed the Network yet, but feel free to ping him. Just don't expect any cordiality. XD Oh, and I need to afk for a few hours, but I'll back on tonight and most nights this week to tag. ( Read more... )

† transformers: animated | lockdown

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onetruesikorsky April 1 2011, 21:18:48 UTC
[My, look what the capacitor dragged in. That tattooed face and the mix-matched frame are unmistakable even in the dark lighting of the corner side of the casino. Lockdown ( ... )


hunter_for_hire April 1 2011, 21:52:29 UTC
[The shred of relaxation he had found in his drink, and in the chat with a fellow neutral, is immediately vanquished when the room splits apart to make way for a familiar warlord, who was clearly on a b-line directly for his booth. Lockdown tenses. It doesn't matter how many times he had conducted business with the tyrant, his presence still sends ripples down the musclecar's studded back ( ... )


onetruesikorsky April 1 2011, 22:17:49 UTC
[The sound of whirring components can be heard as Megatron's entire gaze hardens, optics narrowing. So Lockdown was from the future, after the Warlord was supposably captured and paraded around like some hard-earned prize to be shown off. Even if he was captured, the Elite Guard could not hold him forever. Knowing future events was the only advantage of this Allspark-forsaken place.]

No, they are not.

[Even if he did know just who was responsible for his new look, that information was not something to be offered lightly. Or ever.]

[As it is, however, he makes himself comfortable in Lockdown's booth, his forearms resting on the table top. His fusion cannon was impossible to miss despite his easy movement. And just like Lockdown, he'll stick with evasive responses for the time being.]

I don't suppose your ship wound itself here with you. That would be far too convenient.

[The TransTechs aren't that inept, unfortunately.]


hunter_for_hire April 1 2011, 22:38:29 UTC
[Why don't you sit down Megatron. Oh right, you don't need permission.

That fusion cannon burns the hunter's periphery like a fried circuit. Lockdown ducks into his glass, taking a drink a to mask his unease. The liquid courage slides down easily.]

No ship. [Lockdown's relieved to hear the mech fishing for information. That could potentially lead to a job offer. Perhaps there's some hope in restoring his way of life.]

Don't need it to do my job, though.


onetruesikorsky April 1 2011, 23:06:19 UTC
[Megatron is above asking permission. Didn't you know that, Lockdown?]

Your job.

[His blunt-edged fingertips tap an undefinable rhythm on the metal countertop.]

The Nexus will make prospective bounties particularly difficult for you.

[His words are extended, as if in thought. Always in thought.]


hunter_for_hire April 1 2011, 23:28:01 UTC
[Each tap on the table is like a sledgehammer to the hunter's resolve. But he somehow manages to keep his cool. If the Slagmaker does hold a grudge for the 'cons the hunter helped capture on behalf of EG, or for the mishap with the Starscream clones, he's not likely to take his revenge here and now.]

Not if the bounties are making things difficult for The Nexus...[He quirks on optic ridge to his former client.] Or esteemed citizens of The Nexus. [A litter pandering, yes, but it's always wise to get on Megatron's good side whenever possible.]


onetruesikorsky April 1 2011, 23:46:42 UTC
[Even if he did, grudges were best left to be acted upon when in the safety of one's own universe, and not in this cage of a planet. Lockdown was an asset for the moment, or a possible one, if the bounty hunter was smart.]

[Megatron's lip components twist, but his overall expression remains impassive. He knew Lockdown's game perfectly well... It all came down to price. Still, it was nice to know Lockdown was not foolish enough to make him his enemy.]

You underestimate this place.

[Changing subject, ready go.]

Tell me about our universe. The events leading up to your transportation to the Nexus.

[It would be wise for Lockdown to understand that that was not a question.]


LoL in-text citation hunter_for_hire April 2 2011, 00:24:16 UTC
[Lockdown knows a command when he hears one, and although he doesn't wear the purple insignia, he knows when it's best to cooperate. He's curious however to what of any importance Megatron expects to learn that he doesn't already know.]

Not much to tell. After your...detainment, I took off. Took odd jobs from the Nebulons 'round the Plait Expanse (AllSpark Almanac 2, p. 115). Figured it best to steer clear a'the Autobots for a while, since they'd just learned I was the one responsible for Yoketron's death. [He forces a smirk.] This hunter wasn't about to become the hunted.

[Bragging about that job is always good for his reputation, especially in the presence of Megatron. Never mind that little twist in his gut that says otherwise.]

I'd just finished a job on Centarix VII, and was heading for another on Antar. Least that's the last thing I remember. They musta got me while I was in recharge.


So dedicated~ onetruesikorsky April 2 2011, 01:11:15 UTC
[Megatron shifts just slightly, leaning forward and tipping his helm. His vents hiss out cycled air. The Warlord wanted to make sure the bounty hunter knew precisely what he was speaking of.]

I'm more interested... in my supposed detainment. Who was responsible.

[The larger mech gives Lockdown a look. A look that said 'I was not there, these events have not played out for me yet. And I have every intention of changing these events upon my return'.]


Re: So dedicated~ hunter_for_hire April 2 2011, 01:24:07 UTC
[The Decepticon leader has that gift of saying so much with so little. Lockdown understands. This is a Megatron from an earlier time. But how early? Before the hunter captured the warlord's subordinates for the Elite Guard? Let's hope so.

Feeling slightly more empowered by this newly acquired knowledge, Lockdown leans in, speaking now with a confident edge in his gritty voice.]

Who do you think was responsible.


onetruesikorsky April 2 2011, 01:54:53 UTC

[Megatron sees what's going on here. And unfortunately, his last memories of their universe involved arguing with a bodiless Starscream in a random expanse of the galaxy, handcuffed and without his subordinates. Between that span of time and being detained? There were numerable possibilities.]

[One optic twitches before he regains control of himself. His tone darkens. He's in no mood for charades.]

Who was it.


hunter_for_hire April 2 2011, 02:16:45 UTC
[Megatron is clearly Not Amused. O_o]

Same space bridge repair crew that've been a thorn in your side and mine for the last few stellars. Who else.

[He should back off the attitude, but he has his own share of bitterness for those Autobots, and it projects through his tone.]

Starscream had a hand in to, from what I heard. [He has no qualms ratting out that pain-in-the-aft elusive bounty.] Betrayed ya mid-battle, giving the 'bots the upper hand. Ring any bells?


onetruesikorsky April 2 2011, 02:24:22 UTC
[In this place? It's unlikely that he will ever be particularly pleased.]

[The old mech growls deep in his engine. Of course those space-bridge deadbeats would continue to shove their servos in components they did not understand.]

[And of course. Starscream. But how Starscream could be considered a threat was beyond him. As it was, he had been but a head.]



hunter_for_hire April 2 2011, 02:57:01 UTC
[Aw for frag's sake. He'd asked Wing for several more Flat Tires had he anticipated Story Hour with the Slagmaker.]

Look, I wasn't there. Everythin' I know is from Iacon newscasts and second-hand sources, so don't hold me accountable for accuracy.

Supposedly, Starscream gained control of the weapon you were usin' against Detroit, a set of Omega Sentinel clones. He pulled that same trick he did with his own clones, turnin' 'em into bombs-anti-matter bombs, capable of levelin' the city. Naturally, the Autobots did whatever was necessary to save it.

[A slight flinch at the memory of hearing of Prowl's sacrifice. What a waste. If the fragger had only partnered with him...but no, he chose to be a hero.]

The ninjas used their processor-over-matter to wrangle in the AllSpark shards that were scattered 'round the city, creatin' some kinda protective shield. And all this was goin' on while you were duelin' it out with Optimus Prime ( ... )


onetruesikorsky April 2 2011, 03:26:19 UTC
[Throughout the 'tale', Megatron's hands curl into fists and his lip curls back into a silent snarl. His entire frame tenses, and his optics are narrowed to dangerous slits that flare at the mention of Optimus Prime. Him? That rundown pitiable excuse for a fire truck? The indignity.]


[Control yourself, Megatron. Optimus Prime may be here within the Nexus, but blowing his processor to smithereens would only be a temporary fix for his anger, and most definitely not retaining his undercover status within the Nexus. A few kliks pass... and then the pressure on the hydraulics in his knuckles releases.]

Rest assured... it will not occur upon my return.

[He would get back... even if he took apart the entire stronghold of TransTechs in the process.]


hunter_for_hire April 2 2011, 03:58:04 UTC
[Lockdown is quite impressed with the bitter mech's temper management upon hearing his fate. He still decides to leave out the part about the parade though, just in case that knowledge would be the icing that triggered a massive fusion cannon fit.]

Would hope not. I ain't too keen on a homeworld where all the top cons are incarcerated...bad for business n'all.

[He knows that look. The look of scheming, and lust for revenge. That's a very promising look, and it's also encouraging to hear the tyrant speak assuredly of his future return.

The mismatch mercenary casts his glance from side to side, checking for any eavesdroppers. There's no one around but their conversation could be still be monitored. He opens up their private comm channel.]

//You figured a way outta this place yet?\\


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