[Actionspam] Stranger in a Strange...Time?

Mar 28, 2011 16:09

[ooc: wheee, first post! (hope I'm Doing It Right. >.<) This is open to anyone who wants to deal with a grumpy bounty hunter, voice, video or action. He hasn't accessed the Network yet, but feel free to ping him. Just don't expect any cordiality. XD Oh, and I need to afk for a few hours, but I'll back on tonight and most nights this week to tag. ( Read more... )

† transformers: animated | lockdown

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hunter_for_hire April 2 2011, 02:57:01 UTC
[Aw for frag's sake. He'd asked Wing for several more Flat Tires had he anticipated Story Hour with the Slagmaker.]

Look, I wasn't there. Everythin' I know is from Iacon newscasts and second-hand sources, so don't hold me accountable for accuracy.

Supposedly, Starscream gained control of the weapon you were usin' against Detroit, a set of Omega Sentinel clones. He pulled that same trick he did with his own clones, turnin' 'em into bombs-anti-matter bombs, capable of levelin' the city. Naturally, the Autobots did whatever was necessary to save it.

[A slight flinch at the memory of hearing of Prowl's sacrifice. What a waste. If the fragger had only partnered with him...but no, he chose to be a hero.]

The ninjas used their processor-over-matter to wrangle in the AllSpark shards that were scattered 'round the city, creatin' some kinda protective shield. And all this was goin' on while you were duelin' it out with Optimus Prime.

Some say Prime shut ya down single-handed, using the Mangus hammer. [Ohh what this trophy collector would do to wield that hammer.] That's the popular story comin' outta Iacon anyway. I personally believe what my own sources tell me; that you took a hit from the explosion and that's what gave OP the upper hand to take ya down.


onetruesikorsky April 2 2011, 03:26:19 UTC
[Throughout the 'tale', Megatron's hands curl into fists and his lip curls back into a silent snarl. His entire frame tenses, and his optics are narrowed to dangerous slits that flare at the mention of Optimus Prime. Him? That rundown pitiable excuse for a fire truck? The indignity.]


[Control yourself, Megatron. Optimus Prime may be here within the Nexus, but blowing his processor to smithereens would only be a temporary fix for his anger, and most definitely not retaining his undercover status within the Nexus. A few kliks pass... and then the pressure on the hydraulics in his knuckles releases.]

Rest assured... it will not occur upon my return.

[He would get back... even if he took apart the entire stronghold of TransTechs in the process.]


hunter_for_hire April 2 2011, 03:58:04 UTC
[Lockdown is quite impressed with the bitter mech's temper management upon hearing his fate. He still decides to leave out the part about the parade though, just in case that knowledge would be the icing that triggered a massive fusion cannon fit.]

Would hope not. I ain't too keen on a homeworld where all the top cons are incarcerated...bad for business n'all.

[He knows that look. The look of scheming, and lust for revenge. That's a very promising look, and it's also encouraging to hear the tyrant speak assuredly of his future return.

The mismatch mercenary casts his glance from side to side, checking for any eavesdroppers. There's no one around but their conversation could be still be monitored. He opens up their private comm channel.]

//You figured a way outta this place yet?\\


onetruesikorsky April 2 2011, 04:34:19 UTC
[Lockdown made The Right Decision in that regard.]

[Megatron was about to respond, but the private communication channel in his HUD made his optics flare ever so briefly. Could Soundwaves pick up on this frequency? It was best not to chance it.]

The casino holds no enemy for me. I own it.

[Sort of. ...not really. But slag if he's going to say who it really belongs to.]

[And really, Lockdown? Megatron would not be here if he had.]

It... is a work in progress.


hunter_for_hire April 2 2011, 04:50:14 UTC
You...own it?

[Wing has said that Dirge owned it. Interesting. There's some miscommunication afoot. But it's best not to get involved. Not now anyway.]

I mean, yeah. Of course you do. Wouldn't expect any less. [Okay smoothtalker, back off a bit. Startin' to sound like fraggin' Swindle.

That's...good to hear. Say, if you by chance need my services at the casino, you let me know.


onetruesikorsky April 2 2011, 08:34:50 UTC
[Megatron stares at him long and hard.]

Mm. Your unsightly visage would scare off potential customers.

[A joke? Perhaps, but it was said entirely deadpan. The Warlord hums, tapping his fingers upon the counter once more.]

No... you could be useful elsewhere.


hunter_for_hire April 2 2011, 20:53:41 UTC
Hah! [Megatron made a funny.] 'Cuz your looks are so invitin'.

[He studies the warlord's mannerisms, fighting back a satisfied smirk as he can practically smell a job offer. When the mech speaks, Lockdown finally lets his smile spread.]

That I could...so long as the price is right.


onetruesikorsky April 2 2011, 21:38:36 UTC
[Megatron doesn't bother hiding the grin slowly spreading across his features, his optics flashing.]

Indeed they are.

[But then his tone turns a bit more serious.]

I am your best paying customer, am I not? I would think... previous transactions would accumulate a measure of trust between us.

[In Megatron speak: Don't go running off with other mechs with information.]


hunter_for_hire April 2 2011, 23:29:29 UTC
Yeah. Trust. [Just keep on thinking he didn't turn your top lieutenants over to the Elite Guard.]

You always did dish out the best upgrades. Can't deny that.

[Plus he didn't seem to mind when the trophy collector kept a few protoforms for himself. Any client that allows a little skimming off the top is one worth stickin' with.]


onetruesikorsky April 2 2011, 23:40:50 UTC
[The Warlord leers at Lockdown over the table, tap tap tapping away on the metal.]

More so than my own namesakes, which you'll surely encounter - assuming you have an extended stay planned within this place.

[Megatron tips his helm just slightly to the side, optics narrowing.]

I seek assurance that any future plans of escape from this world will not reach unwelcome audios. You understand.


hunter_for_hire April 3 2011, 07:11:56 UTC
Got nothin' planned for this place, 'cept how to get the frag out. Which means my optics ain't wanderin' to any other big guns 'sides the one in front a'me.

[At least that's his short term plan.]

And you know secrets are safe with me.


So horrifically belated it's not even funny IM SO SORRY onetruesikorsky April 24 2011, 03:37:17 UTC
You know what's good for you, Lockdown.

[A tight little smirk follows, along with a flare of his optics.]

I'll be sure to inform you of any future plans as they arise, so long as I receive any future intel from you on the happenings of this Nexus. Acquaintances. Relationships. Alliances.


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