[Accidental Vid] Fire in the Nexus

Jun 06, 2010 22:57

 [The communicator shows someone exiting processing and the feed is so crisp its possible it may have been recently replaced.  This someone is also rather tall, even for a transformer, and his sigh is audible as he stops at the curb and transforms]

Why do I get my hopes up like this?  The probability was so low and yet… somehow I thought maybe they ( Read more... )

† transformers: g1 cartoon | skyfire, † transformers: dreamwave | jetfire, transformers: dreamwave | starscream

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airspacecommand June 7 2010, 05:21:46 UTC

[There was two of them. There should not be two of them. Despite having met alternates of himself, Starscream seems to lose all sense of logic over this.]

It's official. I've either died and gone to hell or the universe has decided to play some sort of cosmic joke!

Why are there two of you?!


bymycalculation June 7 2010, 05:41:18 UTC

[And that seems to be some sort of incoming signal on his own comm unit. How could someone know...?

Oh. ...its...the other Jetfire...broadcasting? And its...]


I...should...have suspected there would be a version of you, here. [It doesn't change how sudden all of this is, especially as worn out and low on energy as he is currently.]


airspacecommand June 7 2010, 05:49:19 UTC
Why wouldn't I be here?

Some might consider this karma, I suppose.

But I'm just going to believe that the universe just plain hates me.


bymycalculation June 7 2010, 05:58:33 UTC
Because of the infinite possible number of universes, each with a slightly divergent universe nestled in between, the likelyhood of two mechs crossing who intimately know each other...

[He hadn't meant to use that word, but there it was. The intended use was purely scientific, nonetheless.]

...is slim.

I think I would have to do a great deal more to you for you to arrive at that hypothesis, though.


airspacecommand June 7 2010, 06:09:35 UTC
Yet there you said it yourself; there is a chance as slim as it maybe. And because the universe hates me it would be that 1% chance that would choose to happen.

[Because the universe obviously revolved around himself.]

But still as I do not know which universe you hail from it is likely that you are from a --


Why in Primus' name am I talking like you?!


bymycalculation June 7 2010, 06:15:38 UTC
Primax 402.04 Gamma. [He speaks, calmly, though he's...feeling very light-headed about all this. Its so much to take in.] And I'm still not certain what I did to cause the universe's hatred of you to bring me here.

If I actually am your Jetfire, to begin with.

[Though it certainly looked like Starscream...]

[He...actually smiles a bit.] Cognitive resonance. Others are more likely to like you if you sound like them. And...you...are...versed in some manners of science, aren't you?


airspacecommand June 7 2010, 06:21:37 UTC

[Starscream just stares for an extremely long moment. Well, okay it was more like two seconds because he cannot go very long without talking. He's Starscream after all. But still it felt like a very, very long time.]

I --

[But that would mean...]

[Of course Jetfire's last comment distracted him a bit. But he still had been caught off guard.]

... You ... are correct.


bymycalculation June 7 2010, 06:32:15 UTC
[He notices that, and is surprised by it. Starscream is not usually rendered speechless, and even then he manages to finish his sentences. Something was definitely going on here.]

Then perhaps you could assist me. Have you been in this Nexus long?


airspacecommand June 7 2010, 06:36:36 UTC
[Starscream liked it better when things were easier. Certain ... things .. did not get to him then. ]

Too long.

... What is the last thing you remember before arriving here?

[He partly did not want to ask that, but he also -had- to know.]


bymycalculation June 7 2010, 06:40:15 UTC

So you are from the same universe as me.

[That confirmed that, at least...even if its spoken quietly.]

Something attacked Omega Supreme and I when we were above a class 3 planet. We crashed. I was separated from Omega in the crash, but found our assailant, and was pulling him towards a source of energy when I was buried in a shower of solidified water crystals.

I...am afraid I do not know how much time has passed since then.

[He'd been in pretty heavy stasis.]


airspacecommand June 7 2010, 06:52:09 UTC
So you are from before I -- eh -- before you were revived.

[How fortunate for him. Though he both slightly hurt and yet grateful for that fact. He would admit to neither though. He huffed a bit.]



... Even if you had not ended up here, you would have rejoined up with your fellow Autobots soon enough.

[He kind of figured Jetfire might like to know that.]


His GOTHIC revival. bymycalculation June 7 2010, 07:00:16 UTC
...you're from after my revival, then.

[That prompts a great deal of thinking, both about Starscream and about the parallel existences of simultaneous timestreams.]

[He perks back up at that last bit, though.]


Thankyou. It...is good to know I do not fail utterly in my mission. Is Optimus Prime alright? How does the war progress?

[He'd hoped there wouldn't still be a war, but with the way Starscream was singling out Autobots...]


But it was so awesome airspacecommand June 7 2010, 07:08:35 UTC
[He would not mention the fact that it was he who revived him. Jetfire didn't need to know that little tidbit.]

... Save your sentimentality for ...

[someone deserving]

The Autobots.

[If Starscream had eyes to roll he would have done so at this time. Of course Jetfire would ask about his fellow Autobots.]

As far as the Autobot leader -- I don't know. But judging by the fact that Shockwave was back to cowering under Megatron -- and that Shockwave is completely pathetic -- I'm sure he is still among the functioning.

And ... what do you want me to do, give you the Reader's Digest version of the war?


They were four issues of him kicking aft. I was so proud of his battle science. bymycalculation June 7 2010, 07:16:26 UTC
[Future Jetfire is going to be so surprised, then.]

I...will save it, yes. [He was going to put it away, and lock it up where it wouldn't interfere with his job, if he could. But emotions were what separated him from Shockwave--his sentimentality caused him to adhere so strongly to his morals.]

Shockwave is--hm. [That was certainly evidence.] I don't believe I would use the word 'pathetic' to describe him. [Ruthless and brilliant came to mind, but those compliments weren't necessarily intended as such.]

I...would like to know what you have been up to, yes.


He has excellent battle science airspacecommand June 7 2010, 07:23:23 UTC
Eh -- perhaps you are correct there. Even pathetic is too good of a term to describe him.

[He was not bitter about the whole Sunstorm fiasco at all -- Nope not a bit. He was only going to find a way to crush Shockwave into a flattened piece of metal one of these days.]


[Okay so that did kind of earn Jetfire a stare.]

You do remember that I am a Decepticon and you are an Autobot right? As in you know hating and trying to kill one another. Blah, blah. You protect the world. We must stop the Decepticons. I am evil and all that jazz?

[Then again he had counted on Jetfire's honorable nature when dealing with his clone...]


He blushes and thanks you. bymycalculation June 7 2010, 07:34:34 UTC
[He says nothing to that--if Starscream has an idea in his head, its better not to argue with him, especially if the point is moot.] Is he here?

[He stares right back, open and honest.]

I believe I was told there is no war on this Cybertron. It was the end of a string of good news that started with: 'You're no longer frozen in a solid matter state.' I'm...inquiring...as to your well being, that is all.

[And if Starscream happened to let any information free about what the Decepticons were up to, that would be good, too. Not that anyone would believe him back home if he told them, but at least it meant that he could prepare.]


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