
Mar 15, 2011 01:29

This is a cleaning exercise, using the chakras to clear the auric field of holes and problem spots.  Don't be surprised if you want water and a shower after doing this meditation.  It brought a lot of stuff to the surface for a number of people.


Sense around your being.  See around you your auric field.  It swirls with colors, but you see places where the energy is stopped, and places where the energy is leaking out.  Each responds to a different color of light.

Draw your attention to the base of your spine and your kundalini, sleeping there.  Sense your root chakra, and send its red energy out in all directions through your auric field, where it works on all issues dealing with your physical body, feelings of being grounded and balanced.  Bring the energy back and see it spin.

Move to the sacral chakra, and send the orange light out.  It deals with problems relating to creativity and sex.  Then bring it back.

Next is the solar plexus chakra.  Its yellow light addresses issues of will and individuality.  Bring it back.

The heart chakra's green light focuses on love and compassion for all beings, including yourself.   Bring it back.

The throat chakra and its light blue light works on places where you have been afraid to speak truth, where you have witnessed injustice and said nothing, where you have been stifled in the telling of your story.  Bring it back.

The third eye chakra shines its violet light on areas that have previously been dark, bringing clarity.  Bring it back.

Finally, the white light of the crown showers down over your auric field, clearing any remaining trouble spots and sealing the energy back in.

You bring the energy back down through the chakras to the base of the spine again.  You then continue to your feet, making contact with Mother Earth, and bringing that grounded energy back up through your body, you reconnect with your physical form.


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