I've always resisted change. it's in my nature. but lately i've seen how much that can be a good thing.
I watch the shrubs evolve from artless little creatures to discerning individuals coming into their own. Jo has become this painfully self-conscious teen who is starting to embrace the opinions of others although growing up she marched to her own beat. she asked me yesterday if a purse she had bought (which looked uncannily like it was cut from a piece of my mother's sarong) and if i thought it was 'weird'. i smiled and said it was good to have her own taste but she said her friends had teased her about it's lack of trendy value. after which she shopped for something else more in keeping with adolescence. i was amused mostly but also warmed by the fact that she is starting to see how she functions in the fabric of comformity.
Jill's very much herself and like me can be principled about her beliefs. but living with a quirky sister for 11 years has made her adaptable to the differences of others. she is a leader of sorts and is often compelled to assert her moral indignation on her peers when the occasion calls for it, though ultimately she accepts the diversity (and absurdity) of others, starting with her own mother who is anything but conventional.
I learn so much from them when i see how they've come this far with a childhood of challenging flux. they're so much stronger than i give them credit for. when i looked at the dossiers of my assorted students the other day trying to assess their personalities from their family profiles, it struck me how the kids from divorce were either potential leaders or completely withdrawn. i can only hope my own will become the former in their later years.
This year has started with assorted personal upheavals. my intense work schedule, my health, a break-up. initially it scared me to the core, having settled into comforting routines and bad habits. but i'm inspired by the little ones in my life to just grab life by the bollocks and let it surprise me, and what i may achieve from it. i'm starting to fathom the painful necessity of change and how it's teaching me to review and renew. it's teaching me to harness something strong within me which i had allowed to succumb to complacent lethargy.
So yes, I've resolved not to let change be something to be feared, but to add another callous of strength to see me through to another decade. god knows it's what kept me from doing the unthinkable every time things fall apart. and hopefully i can look back eventually, smile and say, yup, more power to ya, girl.
Hillsong - Through It All .mp3
Found at
bee mp3 search engine
something Jill drew when she was 7 on how she sees me
a constant which i can still take comfort in haha
pimped up ![](http://pics.livejournal.com/axegal/pic/0007s012)
Jo named hers 'pumpkin'
pooch envy
knackered and oblivious. ah to be a dog...