Molly's journal

Jun 26, 2009 08:35

Oh, my head. And bless Severus Snape for the quality of his hangover potions, but even they have only dented this hangover. I do not have the stamina of my early middle age. But Minerva... Good lord, that woman can drink! I think her job mut give her cause to practise.

But anyway, I've just got back from Hogwarts and need to get all this down while I remember, ann before I collapse into bed for the rest of the day.

Well, Minerva and I have Plans... No, I'm getting ahead of myself. I suppose it's excitement as well as the fuzziness.

Start at the beginning.

Tea, with wonderful cakes - the elves made a real effort! - and occasional interruptions by the staff, was nothing too surprising. Running over the events of the school year so far, talking about domestic stuff, that sort of thing. But then, when the evening came, Minerva declared office hours over, and we got settled in.

The poor dear - she's got both Kingsley and that vile Umbridge fellow riding her, bostructions at every turn, a budget that makes my household funds during the War look like Midas' cutlery drawer, and nobody on hannd to talk to purely as a friend. Well - that last thing is at least pertly her fault. She has such exalted notions of what it is to be Headmistress that she lives her vocation every hour of the day and night, and it makes her hold everyone more or less at arms' length. I'm sure they'd be more supportive if... Well, we thrashed that one out for quite a long time, but I can't really remember if we came to any conclusions - it seems to me we veered off into some of the gossip raised by the last time Skeeter sneaked into the school. Half the staff are quivering in their boots about what she might have overheard! Well, I've always said that trapping people together for long periods of time is going to lead to Behaviour Unbecoming, as my mother used to say.

Where was I? I'm sure Minerva listened to me go on for hourrs about my family's shortcomings, and kept an endless supply of tissues coming for the maudlin bits. Oh, boys will be boys. It's not even as if there was that much mud on the cushions - it was mostly on the floor. (And with the unexpected side-benefit that Ron volunteered to learn to sew - the boy will never cease to surprise me - and we dug out the bits of curtain I'd saved of course and set to very comfortably. Such a nice boy, but I do think Lavender would be happier if he'd get a job...)

Well, I think it was about one in the morning that we started talking about what we could Do About It. Yes, I think it was about then we starteed Talking In Capital Letters, too.

Oh! It's so exciting! Can we do it? I'm going to need to talk to Bill - I'm pretty sure I can trust him to keep the secret - and Ron about the two main things to organise. oh, and tomorrow I'll need to take time to explain to the Ghoul what he has to do. The poor thing's rather slow, but I think he'll catch on.

molly: journal

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