Letter to Minerva

Jun 24, 2009 15:57

Dear Minerva

Drat me and my confounded temper! I went and blamed Charlie for everything, when it wasn't all his fault. So he's gone off to Romania for Merlin knows how long again without a kind word between us. I've owled him to say sorry about the kitchen (Ron'd doing, apparently after Charlie skipped back to Hogwarts to do Circe knows what with Hermione, before coming back here to get some sleep - I have no idea what he must have been thinking) and the dragon bits (George's contraband, not Charlie's), but who knows if he'll take it as meant.

Besides which, he was jointly responsible for the garden disaster, and the mud.

Minerva, I just don't know - everything all at once. Ron's been sweet, but he still acts as though it's Mum's role to clear up after every disaster.

And here we come to what you said about apron strings.

I won't pretend I didn't bristle, reading that, but you did make me think. To answer you - my instinct is to want to look after my family. It's what I've been doing for a very, very long time now. But equally, they're all adults, so I resent it that they take it for granted that I will do it still. I miss them, Minerva, you know I do, but it's not as if I'm not used to them being away. Ever since Ginevra went to school I've had space, and quiet, and time to twiddle my thumbs and make what I can out of a limited income - and you wouldn't believe how much work that entails. But now I don't have to look after them, I was rather hoping I could talk to them as real people and be treated as one myself...

Perhaps I need to do something to make them sit up and take notice.

Yes, it was a shame to miss our date, but why don't we just do it off the cuff tonight or tomorrow? Ronald will still be here, so Arthur won't be on his own in the evening if I bunk off for a few hours. I could be with you for tea-time.

Truly, Minerva, I may worry you, but you worry me more than I seem to worry you. Do you feel so isolated by your position that nobody sees past the Headmistress to Minerva? Not even Filius, Pomona, or Poppy? I know Severus can be cantankerous and standoffish to extremes, and Hermione's a bit young, but surely some of our contemporaries...?

What a fine pair we are. I think our get-together, with some unbreakable wards on your rooms, some good food and elf-made wine (and I'll bring a trifle), is an absolute necessity! Time we two old ladies put our heads together and remembered who we really are.

molly: letter

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