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casanova7 April 11 2014, 02:45:20 UTC
I really read this story from the first chap...I tell you :)
You write different kind of story, and that's unique. That's why I like your stories Ben ^^

Reading the first chap I was like...wow Sungmin wow. The perfect boy he is. And the way he suddenly came to Kyu and made love with him and then dissapeared like that make me wonder what's behind his reason. There must be something wrong.

I laugh when Sungmin described that he loved Kyuhyun bcoz kyuhyun is like rainbow and candy and bunny. Hehehehe. Coz that words suit Sungmin himself, not Kyuhyun lol. But when I read the explanation why Sungmin said that, I got the meaning ;)

This story speaks about how life can be like the wheel of bycycle. Sometimes we are in up (where we are happy and enjoying ourself) and sometimes we are in down (when we are sad, dissapointed, in mysery) That's what happened with eunhae and kyumin. In the past it was Eunhae that happy and Kyumin suffer, and now it's the other way around.
Can't we have both of them happy? T.T

Siwon and his secret lover and his Bible thingie..LOL it's nice to read about him and his wise attitude. Wookie and Yesung, though not participate a lot in the chap, make a good friends of kyu min eun hae. Lovey dovey Yewook is cute as always ;)

The way Kyuhyun asked Sungmin to marry him, and the way Sungmin's insecurities forbade him to say I do to Kyu...it's sad for both of them. But I'm happy that Donghae (though he was brokenhearted himself) still manage to knock some sense into Sungmin's head thus make Kyumin become a (more) happy couple.

I feel sooo sooo sad about Eunhae. About the breakup, about their choice to grow up. About how they sacrifice what they love for the sake of others...

Can you let my character in the story and let me be Donghae's girl? please please please? Hyukjae already have his girl. Let me be the one for Hae. Promise you I'll make him happy :3

Will wait for the ending story Ben :)


benniot_91 April 12 2014, 06:48:48 UTC
unnieeee i miss yoooou

well yeah, everything in life has its up and down. i wanted to capture that in Belonged and i hope this suffice.

you know what? i'll try to put you in the ending. just wait for it :3


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