this post contains cookies, and a lot of mentions of the word troll as it relates to staals

Apr 04, 2012 21:17

I had a job interview today. I think it went okay. For someone who is a pretty anxious person by nature, I don't get that nervous in job interviews, but as soon as I walk out I start second-guessing everything. It is a job I am very qualified for but I don't know what the competition is like and I said a few weird things. Ugh. I don't know. I'd really quite like the job though, and it's a permanent job. Having one of those again would be novel.

However, if I don't get it, I have an interview next Wednesday for another job. So, things could be worse, I guess. At least I'm getting interviews.

I also made these cookies today. I don't have the best record as far as cookies are concerned, but these turned out really nicely and are quite tasty. Chopping up chocolate pieces worked really well too as they stayed sort of melt-y in the middle for ages. Nom.

I uh may have had a few more than was good for me though because just a tiiiny bit hyped up on sugar right now.

In fandom news, Game of Thrones is back!

A lot of this was setting the scene but oh, it was still pretty awesome.

Hi Jamie! I really liked that scene with him and Rob and wow, hi there giant Grey Wind. It'll be interesting to see if I can separate my book!Jamie feelings from this season, and to see what they do with his plot because I'm thinking it's going to have to differ from the book a little. NCW looked so good in that cell too ... *cough*

Stannis isn't really how I imagined him, but I am quite liking Davos and Melisandre.

Cersei was pretty great in the scene with Littlefinger and giving Joffrey a well-deserved slap. She's never been a favourite of mine but I did feel for her in this ep. The scene was Tyrion was great too. "How it feels to be the disappointing child." Nice burn, Tyrion.

Sansa hasn't been my favourite either tbh, but there were all sorts of Sansa feels in this one. Oh, honey. I loved how subtly she helped the knight too.That scene with Tyrion was a little loaded for the future events though - but maybe that was just me.

I uh could have done without those brothel scenes at the end though - one episode without gratuitous sex scenes and boobage would be okay, HBO. No really, it would. We'd suffer through.

That baby scene was a trifle horrifying though. Holy shit. I realise that it was mentioned in passing in the book but seeing it on screen is something else. Holy shit.

Needed more Renly. And Arya. And Brienne.

Also this might be an unpopular opinion, but while they are pretty, the credits are just too damn long. I watched them through this time to see the changes, but I can't see me doing it again.

I'm going to end up grabbing the copy of ADFD that's been sitting on my bookshelf since Christmas and reading it soon, I can tell. If only so I can read the comments sections of the AV Club reviews for people who have read the books without fear of getting too spoiled.

Fringe was better this week, but I am at the point where if it stopped at the end of S4, I would be okay with that. I'm still enjoying it don't get me wrong, but not as much as I was and yeah, I'd be okay with that.

I am also up to date with Mad Men, but I don't have a lot to say other than I'm mostly enjoying it. Peggy <3

And I started watching Avatar: the Last Airbender with gnine last weekend. It's so good. Sokka is my favourite so far, but Zuko is intriguing and Katara is made of awesome.

There's also hockey. Of course.

I keep having Staal thoughts and Staal theories. Eric = troll!Staal. Marc = sensible!Staal (well as sensible as a pro hockey player can be). Jordan = bro!Staal. Jared = Staal Not Appearing in this NHL. This makes sense when you consider which two Staals got arrested during Eric's bachelor party, and well, this video. Troll!Stall and Bro!Stall trolling everyone and calling Patrick Kane a midget and circling him like sharks around a hobbit (how's that for a mental image? Wring-wraiths around a hobbit maybe?) and generally finding themselves hilarious. I for one find it delightful, but I am not objective.

Also, the Philadelphia/Pittsburgh fight was insane. I'm torn between wanting to see them play each other in the playoffs and thinking that it would be an incredibly bad idea. I'm not a huge of fan of either team, but Claude Giroux is adorable and ginger.

I need to pick teams to follow in the playoffs too, because oh, Carolina. (Yes, I hear you, Hawks and Bruins people. We'll see. We'll see).

Random other things:

1.Gyzym's guide to reading the Discworld books is really awesome. It also made me curious why I haven't read Thief of Time - I really should have.

2. The Newroom trailer - but I guess if you have any interest you've probably seen this by now. I'm cautiously optimistic, but then I also liked the pilot for Studio 60.

3. Bad Opinions from History Generator.

Crossposted here (

discworld, game of thrones, job: a lack thereof, mad men, fringe, hockey, baking, avatar the last airbender, newsroom, staals

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