The last week has been a bit of a bust, especially Monday which needed an emergency application of beer, but today hasn't been too bad, and I only have one more day of work as I'm heading to Christchurch tomorrow night.
Also, I have been a little obsessed with the Olympics, or as much as I can be when I have to rely on TVNZ's streaming coverage (which is to be fair pretty good, if a little dodgy on Firefox) as we have reception issues with TV1, but I shall be at my parents this weekend and they have no such issues. \o/
I need to go and check out the footage from the 200m men's butterfly as Moss Burmester ended up fourth after leading for a while in a race with Michael Phelps in it. Nicely done, sir. I am a bit gutted he didn't get a medal though, as it sounds like he deserved it, but then he is the first NZ swimmer to get into a final since 1996, so he'd done well already.
The thing I love most about the Olympics is the chance to see sports like athletics, swimming, gymnastics, weightliftig and fencing get some TV coverage. I'm just not as attracted to the team sports which get a lot of coverage here anyway.
Random linkage:
Dear Jason Momoa, your giant crush on Joe Flanigan is showing. <3! It's pretty cool interview overall actually.
Awesome pictures of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. (Dial-up warning, these photos are huge).
Neil Patrick Harris and his HIMYM cast-mate whose name I don't know sing songs from Les Mis. Awesome. NPH really can sing. I don't know Les Mis that well, but it's a musical I've always wanted to see.
The 100 Most Funny and Unusual 404 Error Pages. Awesome. Some of these are inspired, and I haven't laughed so hard in ages. (Dial-up warning).
The Guardian (yes, really) does Bush LOLCATS. Overall they're kinda average, but this one is hilarious.
I also finally saw Sweeney Todd, and it was awesome. It might be my favourite Tim Burton movie, and Johnny Depp's performance was pretty damn amazing. The cinematography was also stunning. <3!