I'm being random again

Sep 10, 2008 09:05

New Knitty is up today...let's see what I'm going to *have* to knit...of course, I prolly won't be able to see until tomorrow or so. It's always so overloaded the day it goes live.

I spent a few days recently de-stressing at MIzViolet's. I know, lucky me. I had a blast - I got to meet a good half of my plurkbuds, shop MizV's stash room, skein yarn (shudder), and attend the most awesome SnB evah. And then I came home. KnittingDragon (Erik of Cables&Lace) arrived for his visit while I was there, and threw a skein of his merino/silk yarn at me (completely unexpectedly, I might add). *Really* nice stuff, people. I'm definitely going to be ordering from him in the future. I got to see the creation of an *idea*, which as you L&Vers know, is something to fear if you're the Adminnie! Ca we say - possible collaboration between C&L and HH for a sock/smellies club based on Mask of the Red Death? Yeah, I'm so there.

Speaking of the smellies? I'm addicted. So far, all I have are Happy Housewife and BPAL, but you can bet I'm making a wishlist (Possets, BloodDrop, Cobalt Blends, Mythos Mixtures, Arcana, Nocturne Alchemy, Wylde Ivy, yeah, I'm goin' nutz). I've managed to join the HH cupcake club - I thought I could resist for the sake of my wallet, but I got to try out the premiere club-only scent and I *MUST* have, people!!! Almost everyone at the SnB tried it, and while it smelled a little different on everyone, it was yummy delicious on everyone. Currently I have a (large) handful of sample vials (or imps/cupcakes, if you prefer) and five bottles, but I think I may start a google doc of my stash so I can makes notes about how each works with me (and so I don't wind up buying duplicates unless I want to.) Though I have leared something - I'm actually allergic to something. Me - the person who has no issues/allergies - is allergic to cinnamon fragrance oil. Some of the time when I put it on, it turns my skin all read and itchy, and other times it does nothing, so I got a cage locket to put the ones with cinnamon into.

MizV may have convinced me to start making project bags. We'll see how that comes out, as they take a while to make up a decent inventory. I am working on them now, and if I manage to get a decent showing, I might just start a store.

It appears as though today is going to be one of *those* days - I just dumped a full soda into my WIP basket (well, one of them anyway.) At least the Malabrigo was elsewhere.

I watched TinMan last night. It was definitely an interesting take on the Wizard of Oz story, some decent eyecandy in there, too. I don't think I'll watch again, but it was a nice distraction once.

BFF has finally finished with the Who. (Torchwood, too, but she's got no interest in SJA, 'specially since I warned her the Slytheen make even more appearances there.) I'm a little upset with her that she didn't pause between tSE and JE to talk to me. Our best conversations are about spec and theories. She said she didn't 'cause of the "I know the Doctor didn't regen" thing, but I wanted to talk Donna with her!! (Donna RULES!) I talked to her about the ring spec, and the rumored appearances in the specials, and she's totally on board with the Donna!Master stuff. Of course I had to point out omphalos Cladogenesis story, cause that is Teh Awesome. Now I guess we're headed toward SCC, Heroes, and LOST spec to tide us over until new Brit tv. (She is uber excited for the new season of Torchwood - she loves Martha and Mickey, and her hubby's fave character is Mickey.)
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