A small note

Sep 05, 2008 18:57

Did I ever mention that I'm not so much savvy with the LJ-etiquette?  Cause I'm not.  That doesn't mean I'm *trying* to step on anyone's toes, I just don't get it most time.  And the terminology?  Goes *right* over my head most days.  Don't even ask how long it took me to figure out "flist."  That being said, my policy on "friending" is sure - go ahead and friend away.  I may not friend back, as I tend to lock the posts I don't want the whole world to see.  But if you have similar interests and start up interaction with me, I'll probably stick you in my list, too.

And to the fellow 505-er who asked, but who I don't know how to respond to - sure.  Friend away!  ;)  You're already a Who-vian, and if you're not a knitter yet, well, I'll be happy to work on changing that!  (I share my obsessions, after all.)
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