The Grunge Guide - Part II - Creating a Brush Set

Nov 30, 2005 01:09

We're making our own Grunge Brush Pack today. You should have completed Part I before this as we're using what we've already created.

Also I'll add a "rate the tutorial" poll from now on, as I realized that I'm judging the helpfulness of the tuts I'm posting by the number of people who defriend this community. Apparently the last one was not very helpful *g* I think a poll is a more accurate way ;)

The Grunge Guide - Part II - Creating a Brush Set

General Notes:
used program: Photoshop 7.0
includes: the downloadable Brush Set (please comment&credit when downloading)
slightly picture intense
you can click the previews to get the large pics (opens in a new window)

step 01: Brushes from Textures
Open the Texture we've created in Part I. You might want to work with a copy and merge the whole thing down. That saves you some time...

With your Lasso Tool (L) draw a random outline on your texture. Then go to Select - Feather, and use a Radius of around 15 pixels.

Copy this selected part (Remember to use merge-copy if you haven't merged the pic), and paste it into a new document.

Desaturate it, then use Levels (ctrl+L). Adjust the Input Levels by dragging the right Slider mor to the left, and the left Slider more to the right. This makes the light parts lighter and the darker ones darker.

Go to Edit - Define Brush, and give it a name.
Tadah, you're first brush tip is ready to be used.
Repeat this technique with different selections, and different adjustments of the Levels, to make more Brushes.

If you want something a bit more smoother, use the Dust and Scatches Filter (under Noise).

If you need icon sized Brush Tips, just resize them before Defining the Brush and sharpen it a bit.

step 02: Another technique to create Grunge Brushes

pssst! I'm sharing my most favorite current filter of the moment. Actually this is the first time, that I have some resentments in sharing a technique ;P
I almost didn't want to share it and keep it my secret. heeee. But then I remebered that I support open resource and here it is...

make a new document. any size is fine. I used 500x500px here.
draw a black mess, I used the hard round 19pt brush tip.

use (*cringes* j/k) Filter - Distort - Glass with these settings:
Distortion: 10-20
Smoothness: 1 or 2
Texture: Blocks (that's the main secret)
Scaling: depends on your Canvas size, here I used 191%
You can use Invert if it looks better that way.

then I normally resize it, until I like it :)

Define it as a brush. See step 01.

step 03: aaaand another one.

make a new document. any size is fine. I used 500x500px here.
reset your colors to b/w. Use Filter - Render - Clouds,

then Filter - Render - Difference Clouds, repeat that Filter twice.

Adjust your Levels (I used these settings for the Input Levels: 9/1,00/170)

add another Layer, use Filter - Render - Clouds (still b/w), set it on Blending Mode: Color Dodge.
repeat this on two more Layers.

make a selection with the Lasso tool, merge-copy the selected part, paste it into a new Canvas, erase unwanted parts and define it as a brush.

step 04: I swear I'll stop soon with the techniques for creating grunge brushes...

make a new document. any size is fine. I used 500x500px here.
reset your colors to b/w. Use Filter - Render - Clouds

add some Noise

use the Filter - Stylize - Find Edges

and add another Layer with the Clouds filter, Blending Mode: Hard Light

on a new Layer, again use the Clouds Filter in b/w. lower the opacity to around 70-80%
and use Filter - Artistic - Watercolor

Go to Select - Color Range - Choose Highlights
On a new layer fill the selection with black,
invert the selection and fill it with white.

make a selection with the Lasso tool, merge-copy the selected part, paste it into a new Canvas, erase unwanted parts and define it as a brush.

step 05: weee, the last one. finally. for now.

use Filter - Texture - Grain

on a new Layer, b/w, use Filter - Render - Clouds
then Filter - Render - Difference Clouds, repeat that Filter twice.
set the Blending mode to Linear Dodge

make a selection with the Lasso tool, merge-copy the selected part, paste it into a new Canvas, erase unwanted parts and define it as a brush.

now you know enough techniques to make yourself a nice Grunge Brushpack :)
have fun playing!

Download The Grunge Brushes (if you're too lazy to make them yourself *g*)
please comment&credit when you're downloading the Brush Sets :)

The Photoshop Brushes (.abr)
awmp_BigGrunge.abr (for walls, banners, etc.) [right-click & save as]
awmp_smallGrunge.abr (for the 200x200 canvas etc. [right-click & save as]
awmp_iconGrunge.abr (for 100x100 icons) [right-click & save as]

The Image Packs (.jpg)
awmp_BigGrunge.ImagePack/zipped (for walls, banners, etc.) [right-click & save as]
awmp_smallGrunge.ImagePack (for the 200x200 canvas etc. [right-click & save as]
awmp_iconGrunge.ImagePack (for 100x100 icons) [right-click & save as]

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coming up next: using your textures and brushes for layouts etc.

brushes, grunge, the grunge guide, background effect, styleguide, tutorial: textures

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