grungy textures

Nov 20, 2005 21:22

I'm very stressed at the moment which means I'm playing with Erich for meditation reasons. so here's some output :)
grungy textures, bigger and icon sized. I know they don't look that useful but actually they are because you can use them to add subtle grunge effects to your arts. (see my current LJ-banner) I used one of these textures for the grungy background effect.
or the more colorful grunge on this wall or this icon.

they are free to use. just please comment when you're downloading them. :)
these are all made from scratch. no scans, no stocks, etc.
the zip-files contain 200x200 versions for the icon textures (and more than the previews) and various big sizes for the large textures.

grungy icon preview

grungy textures preview

the download (1 MB) (7 MB)
please comment in case of downloading :)

also if you want me to write a guide on how to create grunge from scratch (that will include the basics, the making of your own grunge brushes, and some grungy layout/desing tips&tricks) just vote yes :) I love polls, they are so much easier than actual interaction *g*

Poll the Grunge Guide

grunge, textures: iconsize, textures: large, poll

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