Tutorial: the making of 'LMPTM Movie Poster'

Sep 07, 2005 21:14

another one of the Movie Posters explained :)

also I'd like to pimp my offer to give you any icon psd-file I've ever created (as long as I still have it) in exchange of a 10$ donation to a charity organization of your choice :)
that's your chance to see the effects you always wondered about and I was too lazy to explain ;)

Read more... )

tutorial: effect, movie poster icons, vintage, layer masks, tutorial: icon, walkthrough

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Comments 15

greenpear September 7 2005, 20:28:19 UTC
This is one of the reason I friended you. Proper use of gaphics software. And it's not even a difficult tutorial either, just a couple of basic manuvers and a wonderful icon.

Don't ever change.


awmp September 7 2005, 20:36:11 UTC
aww, thanks so much for the sweet feedback *blushes*


aaricia September 7 2005, 21:01:06 UTC
Simple yet awesome :)


awmp September 7 2005, 21:06:46 UTC
thanks :)
most of my icons are very simple these days... I'm all "back to basics" girl *g*


aaricia September 7 2005, 22:24:52 UTC
Less is more :)


stultiloquentia September 7 2005, 22:41:30 UTC


greenpear September 8 2005, 00:45:08 UTC
And this is what I got from using your tutorial.

Ahhh, I'm not sure where I diverged but the base is from the tutorial...


hopelesslymeg September 8 2005, 01:06:46 UTC


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