Oct 10, 2010 18:14
...and so I hang the vinyl curtain...
Or something like that.
Yes, my friends, alas it is time for our closing silly money ceremony. I'd like to thank all those who've contributed to making this weekend such a success, which is basically... YOU LOT! [THROWS ARMS WIDE TO LET THE CROWD APPLAUD EACH OTHER]
Extra thanks go to the staff here at the castle Ersatzburg, for their diligence in maintain the illusion of a home away from home;
Also to the tech crew, who haven't given us a single squeak of unwanted feedback all weekend;
To the intertubes, for bring us all together;
To Strowlercon, for letting us borrow their concert stream;
And last but by no means least, to FilkContinental for inspiring the whole daft idea in the first place.
Y'all give each other a round of applause now... =:o}