Apr 03, 2008 16:36
Once again, Ive gotten busy with life, and let slip updating things here. I hope that all of my friends here are doing well & I'll try to catch up on your entries duly.
Home-Still in my own place, and doing well. Over Christmas, my girlfriend got me a grey hooded rat, and my mother got me a Balinese (Medium Hair Siamese) female Kitten. Both are growing, healthy and get along with each other. Its been really nice to have the companionship.
Recently I've also been making inroads on making the main living level better organized, and it feels great to be in the neatness, not to mention know where to find things like my birth certificate. :)
Work - Its gotten a little unnerving, though I personally am doing fine. Back in Jan of this year, we were told that no layoffs would occur, but that there was a hiring freeze & only critical positions would be filled. Well, last week, they laid off 3 full time employees, and my co contractor. The premise for him was that the dept he covered at AT & T did not pay a yearly fee for his services, wheras mine has a big fat yearly maintenance agreement that easily covers my contracting cost. They did confirm on keeping at least through Dec of this year, and signed contracts to that effect. Still, its time to update my resume & keep open for other opportunities.
Social - Fencing has been going well, though the recent version of Influenza has kept me out the last 2 sessions. Norwescon was great & I saw lots of folks that had not attended in several years. Hanging out with Club Andor group has been a blast too. I made it out to an SCA war in march & actually did pretty decently. Archery is going well, though going only once a week is slowing my progress ( once wed outdoor practice starts, that will change).
Projects - Norwescon has helped inspired me to get back onto making some costumes. My immediate goal is to get some flare going for my club Andor Steam Punk uniform, and make a chinese cap to go with a jacket. I also want to make another doublet or 2, and a few pairs of tights. Long range-I want to do something for Masquerade next year & found a willing partner.
If the weather holds out, hopefully my car stereo amplifier will get installed fully, and sound quality should improve greatly.
Girlfriend- well, things have taken a final sad turn. We went on hold for 2 days a few months ago, initially made some resolution, but the current upshot is that I've simply lost interest physically. I am also discovering that I'm not happy with who I am ( gained some weight, don't like how money has been spent,and am not getting enough things done). Some friends also observed that she seemed to be exerting control over me that they did not like ( keep in mind though that if she did exert control-I was the one who chose to let her). She isn't a bad person; its simply that things haven't worked out, so its time for me to move on & keep improving myself/finding happiness.