Drabble #147 - Fixed

Sep 05, 2014 22:52

Fixed (Double-Drabble)

Characters/Pairings: Dee, Bikky, Ryo
Warnings: Swearing
Timeline: During / after the manga (Sequel to my drabble "Broken")
Spoilers: Minor

Dee and Bikky were lucky that Ryo was visiting his aunt and uncle today. When he came home, they had just finished puzzling the glass vase back together after several hours of work.

And now, it was confession time.

So there they stood, with anxious expressions and thousands of band aids on their hands where they had cut themselves on the shards. They explained what had happened and finally showed Ryo the... thing that had once been his vase.

But Ryo just smiled. "It's okay. I didn't like that old thing, anyways. Actually, I already bought a replacement today. Look!"

He opened a bag and showed them a brand new glass vase. "But now that I think about it, your... puzzle vase there looks much better than this one. Like a piece of art. So... I guess I can't even be mad at you, after all."

Dee and Bikky could only gape. No anger? No punishment? No murder? Was Ryo high or something?

"Of course, you two still have to do the dishes for the next month", Ryo continued, his arms crossed. "That'll teach you to keep your fights out of the living room!"

"Dammit", Dee and Bikky mumbled simultaneously.

(Author's Notes: Well, they were lucky this time!)

a drabble a day, fake

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