Drabble #146 - Broken

Sep 05, 2014 22:46


Characters/Pairings: Dee, Bikky
Warnings: Swearing
Timeline: During / after the manga
Spoilers: To the whole manga

It started like it always did: Dee and Bikky were arguing in the living room. The argument turned into a fist fight. And suddenly there was a loud crash.

"Oh shit!"

They had knocked over one of Ryo's glass vases! They both knew Ryo had kept this one for a very long time, so it probably meant something to him.

Anxiously, they both sat down and tried to glue the shards back together. It was like a puzzle with thousands of tiny, sharp, transparent pieces.

"I hate puzzles, man."

"Yeah, me too."

But sometimes, even enemies had to work together!

(Author's Notes: Oh dear, now the guys have a problem...)

a drabble a day, fake

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