FAKE: Manga + Drama CD = Video

Dec 08, 2013 12:24

Did you ever wish there was a video that combines the FAKE Drama CD with the matching manga scenes?
Yes? Me too! So now there IS such a video :D
And you have three guesses about which scene. Hehe... The lemon of course! ^_^
So here you go:

image Click to view

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_GfDfvU-0Jw

And WOW, aren't the views just exploding?! O.O Probably because of the title and the thumbnail! 8D

(P.S.: Just a little reminder that as always, you can watch the video on my FAKE fanpage, too: http://all-about-fake.jimdo.com/videos/
I was quite busy on that page lately - I've added a few more character descriptions. And I'll soon add some more ^_^ )

fake, youtube, fanpage

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