It's St. Nicholas Day today! Wait, do you even celebrate that or is it just a German thing?
Anyways, I got some cute presents - even something from my wish list! :)
The body butter smells soooo good, which is why I had even put it on my christmas wishlist! :D (it's from The Bodyshop, by the way).
Oh and I just notice that I could have taken the picture a little better... but you have to forgive me for that, I was still quite sleepy when I made it xD
Well and all these presents were packed in a much needed new pair of house slippers:
They are felted, super cozy and warm, and HANDMADE! (And not by some poor children in China, but by my mom xD) They fit like a second skin and I love them. It amazes me again and again what some people can do with wool and knitting needles! I'm totally untalented there, even though my mother always tried (in vain) to wake my interest in knitting etc. It's a miracle to me how she did these shoes, but I don't really care - I'm happy just wearing them! xD
Oh by the way, we have the first snow today!! Yay! :D