[Seems like any other regular day for her, at least. And while this has came on accidentally due to inhuman running towards a clearing, a very tall white haired woman is seen standing in front of it. Bloodied bandages that were currently in the process to be changed, one hand is holding strips of fabric and she stands before what could easily be interpreted as an altar. A nementon.
She's already fairly pale, even for her standards. Out of nowhere, in plain English - not even Gaelic or her native tongue - she utters-]
Your life.
[It's said flatly, she twitches as if she was about to bolt forward. Instead, she's biting her bottom lip to draw blood, drawing her tongue over it. For a split second, the white in her eye turns black, black veins course out of her skin. She gasps, holding her mouth. A few steps backwards and the woman plops to the ground. Holding her mouth tightly, she lets out a soft muffled cry.]
I'd never-
I would never.
[Right on cue, unfortunately, at the thought of blood, Regina's body begins to shake.]
No. No! Not right now! I don't need it right now! I would never do that purposefully to him!
memory swap with
never_very_good :3 although give her a moment to calm down, blood is sadly tempting to her.]