[How are we all doing tonight? Pretty good? Yes?
If one is near by, you may feel something faintly off. Perhaps demonic in it's own right. It's dark, thankfully, so whomever this presence belongs to is able to slip by no problem. A very tall person adorned in long white robes, scraping the ground as they walk. In one hand, clutching a long spear -- curious, however, the handle appears to be made out of iron? Tall, in long white robes that echo an age forgotten, the Druids. They have a very erratic sense of walking, it seems, hunched low to the ground, occasionally peaking up to see if someone is coming.
If one didn't know any better, this person is certainly on edge. Their face is not easily seen, except once this person glances into sight, a faint red glow can be seen underneath their hood.]
[They keep going, of course, muttering can be heard now.
A woman? Her disposition echoes that of one in fairy tales, a witch. Bandaged and bloody hands, elongated fingernails that look like claws and black skin. What she mutters certainly can't be understood by anyone. That is, of course, if you know Gaelic...]
Wretched creatures -- you send me with the Fianna and this is what I get in return? What was your true bidding?
[She's speaking as if someone else is there, and clearly, they're not. It just makes her appearance that more unnerving...]
[ooc; HEADS UP, Y'ALL. Regina here is speaking Gaelic (Irish) until she finally works out the ability to speak English thanks to the City. Apologies for any confusion!]