Dear Savas, (#6)

Sep 16, 2009 18:59

Title: Dear Savas, (#6)
Author: jessofthebugs
Disclaimer: O, I have bought the mansion of a love, /But not posess'd it.
Pairing: Jo/Savas
Rating: All ages
Type: Series #25/? of the Dear Daddy series
Warnings: kinda schmoopy
Word Count: 2391
Summary and Notes: It's December, and that means Christmas, but both of them have more than that to anticipate. Special thanks to kadollan and cybermathwitch for the beta. Archived at awfully_clever

Dear Readers,
I apologize profusely for this taking so long. Hopefully, I can bang out the next one a little more quickly now that the semester is underway. Please, dear Muses, stay with me!
As always, you readers are the reason I keep writing. THANK YOU!

Dear Jo,
I am overwhelmed by the volume of information that relates to "Christmas." The greater majority of the traditions I have encountered in my research are a mystery to me and I do not understand the reason for them or how they relate to the holiday itself. It is quite confusing and I anticipate that Earth religions may occupy a large portion of my study. The celebration of mythological events is a fascinating aspect of human culture and I am eager to learn more about the many celebrations that occur at this time of the Earth year. I have many questions, but I reckon I shall begin my study by inquiring as to your traditions and practices. (I hope I have used the word correctly. I have gleaned from context that "reckon" is similar in usage to "suppose.") Do you have a "Christmas tree?" What is its function? What manner of ornamentation do you place upon it? What foods are commonly eaten at this time? Is "Santa Claus" a historical figure or mythical person? My research has been inconclusive on that matter. I have many more questions, but perhaps you can explain this to me in such a way that I may gain a clearer understanding.

I have nearly completed my re-evaluation of the Major Tom series in anticipation of the fourteenth installment and have discovered that when Major Tom's affection for Betty is taken into account, his actions are far more understandable, if not quite logical. I have cataloged 1,503 separate failures of logic, including 418 actions that led to injury or capture and 805 incorrect assumptions. Of these, 57% could have been avoided by greater attention to Rubix and 88% were related to his affection for Betty. I am sending you my final list.

Sovess has arranged a time and place for my kahs-wan and he has agreed to allow me to schedule this when you are en route to Cerberus colony. There is a place here similar to Vulcan's Forge where there is very little water and the landscape is quite sparse. He tells me that I am the first of our people to undergo this test on this planet and that there is no shame in failure. But I will not fail. As you said before, I will only be there for ten days and the hardship will not be great. I was concerned that I had taken on a test of logic that exceeded my ability to control my emotions, but your words of encouragement have inspired me to proceed. For this, I am grateful.

As always, I anticipate your next letter.

Live long and prosper,



Dear Savas,

Well, I don't rightly know where to begin, so I reckon I'll start at the beginning. Mama and I always put up the tree after Thanksgiving. I told you about Thanksgiving already and I hope you liked Grandmama's cranberry relish. It was like pullin' teeth to get the recipe 'cause she didn't want to give up her secrets, but I told her that she ain't gonna live forever and when she's passed, somebody's gonna have to make it 'cause it's traditional. She figured that was logical, but that's not how she said it.

You did use "reckon" correctly as far as I can tell and I think you're doing a good job with my dialect. You're getting real good at it, but we've gotta work on contractions and stuff. They don't seem to come natural to you, but I reckon it just takes practice. See there? I coulda used "suppose," but I say "reckon" 'cause that's just how I say it.

So, anyway, Christmas. We've got lots of different kinds of ornaments on our tree, some of them are the shiny little balls like you always see, some I made in school, and some little tin ones that look like nutcrackers. There's all different colored lights and strings of silver colored beads and a star on top. The only purpose I can think for the tree is that we put presents under it. I don't know what it's supposed to be for except for decorating and putting presents under and I don't know what that's got to do with Jesus being born at all except that the wise men brought gold, frankincense, and myrrh to the baby Jesus. I don't think they had pine trees in Jerusalem, but I ain't never been, so I can't say for sure.

I don't know about Santa Claus, either. There's Saint Nicholas and there's Santa Claus and the first one is supposed to be a real person that lived and the second I'm pretty sure is make-believe.

Bill and Lenny weren't in class today 'cause it's the first day of Chanukah. I don't know much about Chanukah except that they light candles and there's something about oil that was only supposed to last for a day, but lasted for eight. They brought chocolate coins to class yesterday.

I see how you might be innerst- int-er-es-ted in all the different religions and stuff seein' as how there's a big diversity. Mr. Phillips talked about IDIC. He said it was a Vulcan thing about how diversity is a good thing and then we talked about how plants and animals and stuff couldn't evolve without variation in the DNA, so I went to the library and got Darwin's book about natural selection.

Thanks for the list. I haven't read through it yet because it's kinda crazy here. I've got tests to take in school and Gramma (Daddy's mama) wants me to come over and help decorate her tree and then I've got to get ready to go to Cerberus. I've only got a little more than two weeks to get ready and I don't know what I should bring with me.

You'll do great on your kahs-wan, I just know it. Like I said before, you've been through worse already and ten days ain't all that long anyway. Daddy says that Uncle Jim had to do survival training when they were in the Academy and that he was out in the wilderness for two whole weeks.

I'm losing this chess game pretty bad, so I'm thinking you must be starting to feel better.




Personal log
December 15, 2259:

I'm counting the days, now. Ten days 'til Christmas, thirteen 'til I gotta go to San Francisco to get on a shuttle to get in a ship to go to Cerberus. It takes a week to get there and then I'll be there for six whole months without Mama. School's already out and it's getting harder and harder to find time to meditate any and besides, my brain's as busy as an anthill. Mr. Phillips said he'd see me off when it was time for me to go. His family's in Chicago and it's snowing there. He said he wanted to get out of the snow, but it's cold and raining and miserable here. At least snow is pretty. I don't even know what the climate is on Cerberus! Is it wintertime there? I guess I'd better pack a bunch of different things since I'll be there for half a year.

Lord, I hope I don't get homesick too bad. The last thing I want is to cry for my mama like a baby in front of the other kids. What if they don't like me? What if they think I'm just some dumb cracker?

Miss Caryn told me today that Miss Marina ain't coming back from Betazed so I was stuck with her for the rest of forever. I don't mind that at all. I like her better anyway. For Christmas, she gave me a book of all the Mark Twain stories - a real paper book! She said she got to meet him once, but I think she's just telling me stories. I won't see her again 'til I get back, but she says I'll be okay.

I finished another chess game with Savas. It was a draw and he said that I didn't lose, but it sure felt like losing. I'm starting to get the hang of it, anyway. His kahs-wan is coming up the same time as I'm leaving Earth and I got to say that I'm a little bit worried about him. I ain't got a reason to be, he'll be fine, but I can't help but think about him being in the wilderness and not having enough to eat and maybe there's wild animals there that would try and eat him. Anyway, I'll be praying for him while I'm on the way to Cerberus. I'm sure he'll pass with flying colors, but maybe thinking about how he's doing will get my mind off of flying. I ain't ever been in a ship before and I'm real nervous about it. Daddy hates flying, but he says it's not too bad once you get used to it.

Mama asked me what I want for Christmas, but I other than the next Major Tom book and a Vulcan-English dictionary, all I want is my Daddy. Last Christmas I saw him was when I was little. I mean, I got to see him over video a few times since, but I haven't really seen him since he left mama and me. I reckon I'll send him a letter later.


Personal Journal Entry
Date: 15 December, 2259

Thirteen Earth-Standard days and eight hours until I begin my kahs-wan. There is little I can do in preparation aside from researching the flora and fauna of the desert regions of this planet. The area, simply called the eshikh ha-rau-nol*, is largely unexplored but I am told that the life-readings indicate that finding food and water will be difficult, but not impossible. There are one or two predatory species dangerous enough to kill, but I should be able to defend myself. I am not the most skilled of my age class in suss-mahn, but my ability is sufficient.

I have omitted information regarding the predatory animals of the area in my letters to Jo. She would be most distressed and excessively concerned for my well-being. She has "been worried about me" before and she tells me she is "nervous" about the trip and I do not wish to exacerbate any anxiety she may be feeling in regards to her first journey outside Earth's atmosphere.

It is customary to give gifts at Christmas, a practice only loosely associated with the original purpose of the celebration. I am finding that many Christmas traditions have little to do with the birth of the- I do not know the appropriate title by which to refer to him and it is unclear to me whether he was a historical person or a mythical figure. I do not understand how myth and history can be so easily conflated, but perhaps it is somehow related to human emotions? There are many embellishments and exaggerations in the Major Tom series, which I had previously marked as illogical until Jo explained the usage of metaphor in the context of storytelling. If I understand her explanation correctly, embellishment does not render a statement untrue if that embellishment reflects an accurate depiction of emotion in response to events described. She put it more succinctly: The author's exaggeratin' 'cause Major Tom feels so lonely.

I fail to understand how she can state complex concepts so simply. She is, at times, more efficient in her speech than I. Even when logic fails me and my emotions are uncontrolled, I do not understand them except in the most rudimentary sense, but her knowledge of the nuances of human emotion is impressive. If only I could study humans more closely, I feel I would gain a greater understanding.

I am requesting a modest allowance from Sovess so that I may obtain a gift for Jo. As much as they do not like my fascination with Earth culture, they do understand that she is my friend.


[UNN News Feed: 24 December, 2259]
>Sirius System Orion Choir album, "The Colors of Christmas" replaces "Don't Kiss the Blonde" at #6 on charts.
>Philanthropist Carter Winston funds Cestus re-colonization project in conjunction with Gorn council.
>YT-1250 class light freighter intercepted near Si'Klaata System. 5,000 kilos tropolisine confiscated and destroyed.
>Soylent corporation engineers ration wafers. Federation Food Safety Commission has yet to give green light.


Dear Savas,

I can't sleep. I never can on Christmas Eve. I still haven't figured out the encryption on the present you sent, but I've been working on it off and on since yesterday. I've about broken through the fifth firewall and should have the last one figured out tomorrow. I know you said you'd give me the last code in the morning, but I've almost got it. If I don't figure it out by tomorrow night, you send it to me, okay?

I'm sending your present now. I hope you like it.

Peace and long life,


Dear Jo,

I have received your gift and read it through several times. It is... interesting. The Grinch's ire is most illogical and I am attempting to ascertain how one might affix a horn to a dog's head using only thread. On page 20, there is something like a bicycle, but with three wheels. A tri-cycle, perhaps? It is addressed to "Jo-Jo." I thought of you.

The words are simple and I comprehend the sentences, but I struggle to understand the meaning of the story. It begins with a negative emotional reaction to the holiday. His course of action is to attempt to remove all evidence of Christmas, working under the assumption that doing so will eliminate the celebration. The plot indicates and it is clear to me that this is a false assumption and the Whos' celebration continues in spite of the lack of decoration and gifts. However, the author suggests that Christmas means "a little bit more," but it is never clearly explicated what this "more" might be.

I understand the metaphor of the growing heart, indicating the emotion of love? or kindness? I am not certain. I do not know the proper language to describe emotions. But there is a connection I have failed to make. Perhaps you can explain the story to me?

I have sent the encryption code to your gift and you may choose to open the file or not, according to your preference. I hope you enjoy it.

Merry Christmas,

*lit. "desert refugium"

Part 24: Dear Daddy, (#4)
Part 26:  Dear Daddy, (#5)

length:vignette, fandoms:star trek (reboot), ratings:all ages, series:dear daddy, authors:jessofthebugs, pairings:joanna/savas

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