Apr 04, 2010 10:08
I fucking hate everything about Christianity. What a fucked up, self-indulgent, illogical, unreasonable, greedy excuse for metaphysical answers. Fuck this holiday. If I ever have kids, we'll have fun with eggs and candy, but I will never ever in a million years lead them to believe their entire existence revolves around a man being nailed to a cross and that they're damned to an eternity of pain if they don't worship him. Everyone who teaches such just be arrested for child abuse.
I can deal with Christmas, lent, even Good Friday, but never, EVER Easter. FUCK YOUR SHIT.
That is all... work in a little while, come see a good ol' movie and contribute your money to a lesser of evils. Don't give those greedy bastards the satisfaction. We all want answers and salvation, but I'm begging you, THERE ARE OTHER WAYS. LOOK INTO THEM BEFORE GIVING YOURSELF TO JESUS.
I'm going to spend today open about my beliefs. Non-Christians have been discriminated against for so long... I'm really rather desperate to start some grassroots change.