old myspace blogs....interesting...

Jun 08, 2014 01:04

so last night i went to the movies with the group and we watched serenity...pretty good movie....walsh died so suddenly though...i was sad..and i like rivers(the chick with awesome fighting skills) boots...i wish i could find some boots like that...oh yea i also the longest yard with adam sandler and chris rock...that movie was good...anywho in other news...i just realized that when i turn 21 not only do i get to drink legally, i can also go gambling ...with the little money that i have...anywhoo...i just realized that last night...yea please forgive me im kinda slow...well...i guess thats it for now..happy trails

happy halloween people....now go do the monster mash....weeee anywhoo..i have class soon..and it sucks..i wanna go to see people but i don't wanna go because i don't feel like doing work...i feel extra lazy today...i wanna lay in bed and listen to music...saturday i went to a halloween party in clinton....i went as hiedi from home improvement.....overall the party was okay...ive been to better parties...it started out fun...then the fun decreased...some people are fun when they are drunk and the others are jerks...i watched the 100 scary moments in scary movies yesterday it was cool until i found out what number one was...number one was jaws...i kinda get it but then i don't...i mean yea jaws freaks me out too but still the number one scary moment...i dunno...happy trails

i mostly post on live journal because i got lj first but you know whatever...i dont think many people read this but hey if you do thats cool...anywhoo, i feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders...slightly..like its still there...just not as heavy...i thought my research paper for comp 2 was due today...but it wasn't..its due next week...so yea...i could've had a stress free weekend last week....i feel stupid...i have a history test tomorrow that i should be studying for right now but im not...i just got finished watching gilmore girls...and im dwelling on the episode..yes im easily distracted...i ate some chinese food today...i don't think i should have eaten that....i feel fat...now i feel sad so im gonna change the topic real fast to paul anka...a dog that lorelai owns on gilmore girls...he was sick today...i hope he feels better and the people better not kill him off the show...this year has gone by really fast...i heard some people talking in class about registering now for the spring...thats quick...i need to do that soon...i wanna shirt thats says willie waylon and me...i think that would be cute...sigh...i guess ill go since i dont have anything to say...happy trails..

okay well...it looks like im going to write my research paper tomorrow...at the last minute...because it is due thursday...yep i haven't even started on it...so that is going to loads of fun...sigh...enough of school...so anyway...i cooked today...yay...but i burned myself..thats the price you pay for decent food...well..thats it for now...happy trails

the dreaded paper is finished...wooo...i turn it in today....and now i can finally unstress myself and think of happy things...like turkey,harry potter,johnny cash,mash potatoes, and pie....and its a lovely feeling...more than a feeling...hehe had to get boston in there didn't i haha okay...happy trails people...

"You were supposed to destroy the sith not join them. you were supposed to bring balance to the force not leave it in darkness."


"you were my brother anakin.......... i loved you."

i cry at that part everytime...im such a freak...sigh...happy trails people...

i can't sleep...i have an 8:00 class later in the morning...nobody is online so i can't talk to anybody...because everybody is asleep...ill make myself sleep goodbye

it is officially december...yay...almost christmas..anywhoo...this week has been...busy/fast...but im glad the weekend is almost here...yep tomorrow im gonna listen to friday im in love....in other news...my dog,izzy, has breast cancer...and the stuff is getting worse..like we don't think she is gonna make it to christmas...that makes me sad...it would really suck if she died on my b-day which is sunday..sigh....it is thursday...i wanna rest my brain... like not think about anything school related...but i wanna go do something...like go somewhere....oh well...happy trails...
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