Sep 27, 2010 11:57
So it's kind of been ages since I last posted anything. Here's a rundown.
-Jeff and I went to VT in May. It was FANTASTIC!! We had an awesome time!
-My grandmother died in June. It was expected as she was 93. Saw a lot of family members I haven't seen in years and was instantly reminded why I keep that the way it is.
-My mom is still trying to sell her house so she can move back to Franklin. She is getting progressively less healthy and is going to need to live closer to hospitals and people who can care for her (my dad...long story...)
-I've been dealing with a lot of pain lately. I have a yet unknown foot problem that makes it very hard to stand up for long periods of time and walk more than a mile or two at most. I am getting closer to figuring out what it is and will proceed with treatment at that time.
-Jeff and I just got back from a vacation to California. We stayed with my cousin and his family, and did all sorts of awesome stuff like visit the Muir Woods, the Hearst Castle, and so on. It was an amazing week and I am already missing being there a lot.
-I am still working at the mall, in the position of asst. manager for my company. Job's decent (read: amazing for retail) and I have built very strong relationships with a lot of my co workers.
-I am slowly losing weight. It's very difficult with my foot problems but I am trying my best to modify my diet and my fitness. It's going pretty well so far, and am losing at a rate of about 5 lbs/month.
There's not much else to report, really...