Nov 14, 2005 19:00
Wow,it has been awhile since i last had an update,so lets get this done!
well,Im still alive and working at Dicks on Polaris.Its shitty,no fun,and boring,but I make good money and rarley have to work...most of the time i just watch ESPN and ride bikes around.
Ive also been doing alot of soul searching while drinking(b/c thats when it works the best)and im still really wanting to go to Wyoming,like, as much as you wanting whatever you want really really bad,only i want mine more. Im kinda nervious about the whole thing,but i think once i just move and get out there,everything will fall into place and i will be on my way to happyness and all of that jazz.
Um,still single,taking offers.
Still broke
I really want to go back to camp next summer too.Im missing my set in stone schedule,actully feeling like i am doing something worthwhile,making someone elses life better,thus enriching my own.
who birthday is coming up soon,there is a party...IM me or call me and I'll tell you about it.