i would not click it...

Nov 08, 2005 23:28

1. What time is it? 11.08
2. Name: andy
3. Nickname(if any):Ohio to some..
4. If you were a skittle:...then i would eating,what the fuck?
5. Single or taken?: single
6. Zodiac: Sag-a-gansta
7. Hair color: Brown
8. Eye color: brown
9. Height: 6'2"about
10. Favorite Color: brown
11. Glasses, contacts or neither:Glasses!
12. Braces?nope,my teeth aint redneck
13. Piercing/tattoos?: yes,soon...less then 20 days
14. Birthplace: westerville

15. Are you a virgin? no
16. Siblings names: Jackie and melanie
17. Cut your own hair?: yes
21. Skipped school?: 6000 times to many
22. Bungee jumped: yes
23. Went to a concert?:a few dozen trillion

24. Kissed someone of the same sex not related to you?um,no.
25. Kiss more than two people in one day: indeed,i know,im a whore
26. Stared at the stars for hours?:oh yes
27. TP'd someone's house?: yes
28. Won something?:sure have
29. Asked someone out?: yup
30. Been rejected? yup
31. Been to a funeral?: a few
32. Used a lighter?: Yea,i do smoke remember?
33. Been on stage?: once or twice
35. Food: smoked ham sandwish one rye with salami
36. Ice cream flavor: mint choc.
38. School subject(s): History
39. Breakfast cereal: multi-grain cherrios
40. Number(s):3,32
41. Book(s): The Silmarillion,Unfinished tales,the hobbit,the fellow ship of the rings,the two towers,the return of the king
42. Movie(s):legands of the fall is deff way up there
43.favorite State: ohio,West virgina,colorado,wyoming,utah,alaska
46. Place: with people i love
47. Sport to watch on TV: College football...rally racing
49. Bands/musicians: too many
50. Letter(s): q and z
51. Fast food restaraunt:Im getting away from fastfood...its bad for my skin...too much greeeese
52. Cartoon Character: tom&jerry
53. Holiday: Thanksgiving
54. Name for a son: kyler
55. Name for a daughter:i really like the name brittany
******DO YOU PREFER******
56. Chocolate or Vanilla? chocolate
58. Long relationships or one night stands?:i prefer long,but sometimes you just need a one night stand
59. Dogs or cats? cats
60. Scary movies or comedies?:scary,then action,then comedy
61. Silver or gold: silver
62 Croutons or bacon bits?:Bacon
65. School: truley wonderfull
66. Grass: soft
67. Cow: milk
68. Canada: my island
69. Mouse: his little hole and what his house looks like
70. Hands:one of the post powerfull tools a man has
******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******
71. Watched a movie? yes
72. Talked on the phone?:Sure have
73. Cried?: nope
74. Threw up?: nope
75. Drank a glass of water?:one or two
76. Talked to the opposite sex?: a few times
77. Read a book or magazine?: yup
78. Watched TV?: a little bit
79. Looked in the mirror?: yup,i stare!
80. Taken a shower?: like 4
81. Taken a picture?: yes!i took a whole roll yesterday!
82. Listened to music?: i am right now
83. Kissed someone?...nope:(
84. Done your Home Work? i droped out
85. Told someone you loved them? um,people from camp...my mom...
***DO YOU BELIEVE IN....******
86. Heaven?:no
88. Aliens? in some form or another
89 Fun for the entire family? yes
90. Freedom of speech?: of course
91. Love?: yes
92. Magic?: tricks?yes
*******SOME RANDOM STUFF******
93. Last movie you saw in theatres?Weather man
94. Are you listening to music right now? Denial~Sevendust
95. What clothes are you wearing right now?: brown cords,grey long sleeve,red t-shirt over
96. Do you like your middle name?sure do
97. What is the best thing since sliced bread?national park systems
98. What color is your backpack?Which one?for school?biking?or camping?or hiking?
99. Who is Mike Jones?281-330-8004....hes a gangsta
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