there is a blank email in my inbox, from me, to me, labelled subject line, SHAMBLES.

Mar 31, 2005 01:39

A lug, a glum boulder here, speaking. Making mostly final noises, e.g. thunk, plunk, thump, and clunk. Splat?

Not sure precisely what Being Emo entails, but I'll betchoo 50 bucks it applies right now!!!!!

- Sick of work.
- Annoyed/sad with every aspect of present routine.
- Other associated (boring) baggage.
- I've got to get out of here.

I'm looking forward to May because I'll physically be "out of here" for just over two weeks. In Taiwan! Mainly Taipei, because that's where my granny lives. I haven't seen her since 7th grade. She, if memory serves correct, is Tough and Loud. I am Neither. This will be fun, and I'm not being sarcastic.

I was going to visit both Taiwan and China a few years back with my aunt on my dad's side of the family, and it would have been my first time out of the U.S. (unless you count visiting Canada, which I don't), but when it came down to crunchtime, I essentially chickened out. Dad had rumbled a little about sars or somesuch, but had I really wanted to go, he would have relented pretty easily. This time though, I am looking forward to the trip, able to set aside The Irrational Fright even (i.e. hi family & family-friends-and-associates, I am an abc who doesn't speak her parent's language and has done precious little despite generally favorable circumstances to make anyone, incl. herself, proud, no one knows where this one is going, & so forth), with a reasonable degree of calm.

The other night I went over to N-'s to watch Pirates of the Caribbean with some of her family. I brought a Court & Spark album for her to hear (an offering), as she's inclined towards country music, and we filled Easter eggs with candy. Her younger siblings have stretched tall and grown serious-faced. I can't match them with the shrill pints of past.

OH and also, Low is playing a venue in Taipei called "The Wall" on May 23rd. We leave the morning of the 24th. I mentioned this to Dad, a glint in my eye, and all glare-y, he was like, Are you kidding me?

No, father. No.


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