1) Please take care of yourself until your knight in shining armor comes to you. I love you, and I want you to be happy before I leave.
2) I hope you can take a hint when I want to be left alone. It's not that I don't like you, but I need room to breathe.
3) For the love of god, take care of your girlfriend!
4) The two of you are insane for each other. I hope you work things out.
5) I miss you. You've been so busy lately and I miss our girltalk.
6) I'm glad that after all these years, I'm finally getting to know you.
7) The way you are, the way you love me, the way your mind works in the weird way it does, it makes me feel like the luckiest person in the world just to have met you. I hope I'm worth your while.
8) I wish my mom was half as sensible and strong as you are. I admire you in so many ways.
9) I want my books back. That's all.
10) You two have been such great parent figures. Your character, your relationship, and all the love you guys have in your hearts inspires me more than you know.
11) Please forgive my recent absence and the fact that I haven't been contacting you. A lot of things have happened that I want to share with you, but I'm not ready to open up yet.
12) You can't tell because we're not close and I am not really your friend. But I honestly miss you a lot.