RULES Everyone, please vote! Do not vote for yourself or tell others to vote for you. Please vote for the best icon under each category. Let me know if I've made any mistakes.
RULES Everyone, please vote! Do not vote for yourself or tell others to vote for you. Please vote for the best icon under each category. Let me know if I've made any mistakes.
RULES Don't vote for yourself or tell others to vote for you. Please vote even if you didn't enter. Please vote for both category and artist's choice. Let me know if I've made any mistakes.
RULES Don't vote for yourself or tell others to vote for you. Please vote even if you didn't enter. Please vote for each theme. Let me know if I've made any mistakes.
I would like to post the winners and make the banners for round eight tomorrow but I can't do that because one of the ties still is not broken! Please go HERE and vote if you haven't yet! All polls are still open.
AND DON'T FORGET to sign-up for ROUND NINE if you haven't yet!