
Jan 23, 2023 17:40

Hello, there! I'm doing one of my 'I'm still alive' check-ins. Hope all y'all are doing well and making it through the first 1/12th of 2023 without too much drama.

We've been through the gamut of weather here. We were one of the worst hit zones for Winter Storm Elliot in Ontario over Christmas. I have literally never seen that much snow fall that consistently for that length of time. It was whiteout conditions for nearly 24 hours on Christmas Eve. We didn't lose power, luckily, but we lost WiFi, cable, and phone for about 36 hours which made entertaining ourselves very interesting. I was able to use the iPhone as a hotspot to power our iPads enough to get updates and check social media for info, and to log-in to play the Sims, but we had to buy two extra rounds of data to cover us. We never use the phone, it's a hand me down from my brother, and it's only equipped for emergencies, so we don't have unlimited data. Dad suggested we have some of the ice wine he bought for Mum as a present and it turns out we don't have a corkscrew, because we hardly ever drink. Literally just ice wine during the holidays. Ever stubborn and determined, Dad disappeared downstairs and after several minutes of banging and drilling, arrived back with this:

It worked though, and the ice wine was really good!

My brother and his wife obviously didn't attempt to get here on Christmas Eve, which is when we normally do our thing, and we postponed it to Christmas Day, when everything had calmed down and the roads were clear. It was very pleasant and we had a good time. They gave Pax a coat as a gift, which I managed to get on him once before he knew what it was:

He immediately caught on and has refused to come near me if I'm holding it since then, not even for the best of treats. I'm not surprised; he still hates putting a collar on.

He's been doing well lately. We started the NSAID for him and he has some supplements the vet recommended and he's definitely more active and happier than before. Scotties are so stoic and Pax is so happy, it's hard to know how much pain he was in before, but he's definitely busier and more spry. Which isn't necessarily a good thing; he's been a told brat over the last few days. He's decided he doesn't want to go to bed at night for some reason and now does a little showdown with us about it until he's made up his mind to do it. And last night, he cried for an hour in the kitchen around 2AM because he wanted to go hunt bunnies under the back deck and no one would let him. So, we're happy he's feeling better, but perhaps Pax at full strength is a mixed blessing...

In other news, my HB1AC is down! That means my blood sugar is lower overall, which is a good thing. And my PCOS shit is doing a lot better with the new medication. Just the stones giving me grief on and off, but you have to count your victories. I think another good sign is that I can read books again all of a sudden. I was having trouble getting my brain to focus for ages, but I've read three books since Christmas, so perhaps that's a sign I'm starting to get my focus back.

Otherwise, I'm just playing the Sims and crafting, and we have a jigsaw puzzle on the go. Early winter is always a good time on PBS for shows we like to watch and Brit Box has been throwing up panels shows left and right, so we have a lot to keep us entertained, even as we get rain and snow and all things in between.

scottie news, rantage and randomosity, misc./non-fic

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