I'm here!

Dec 20, 2022 09:10

I keep meaning to post here and then I keep not getting around to it. Oops! But hi! How are you? I hope you are doing well, and enjoying/have enjoyed/will enjoy all the festivities of your chosen holiday or lack thereof this season!

I've been battling a quite vicious round of kidney stones which, thankfully, did not cause too much pain but pumped so much adrenaline through me my heart was pounding for, like, four days straight. It's a very strange feeling when your body is going 'alert, be on guard, there is a bad thing occurring!' and you're like, 'but why?'. Like a panic attack, but without your brain racing, just your heart going 'bad thing, it's a bad thing!'. It was exhausting. They've calmed down now, but I passed about five very large stones and it was not fun. On the bright side, I'm on a different birth control and it is so far going super well! The one I tried before made me cry all the time for no reason at all, so I didn't last long on it, but I'm on just progesterone now (the 'mini-pill') and I feel really good on it, and this month had an almost normal period. Apparently, if I'm on it long enough, they'll get lighter and lighter and may stop altogether, so that's super groovy.

We have new bathtub, finally. It's very nice, and the installation went really smoothly except for a slight leak that was easily fixed and everything seems to be going well now. It's so nice to have a bath without half the wall missing and to be able to stand up and have a shower instead of holding the shower head over yourself because half the wall is missing. I wish the tub was a little deeper (our old one was jetted, so it was super deep and this one is about five inches shallower), but it's much longer and you can stretch out in it, so overall, I'm stoked.

We went to my sister-in-law's family's Christmas get together on Saturday, which has been postponed for two years due to COVID. It's my brother's wife's family, but they've invited us for the last two that it occurred and we had a really great time, so we were bummed that we had to miss out on it. This year, my SIL's father and his partner have moved into a retirement living place, not a nursing home but an apartment building with facilities if needed, and they rented out the private dining room for the occasion. We all had to have negative rapid COVID tests to get into the building, which offered a layer of reassurance for all of us, even though I know they're not really that helpful if you're not symptomatic yet. My family is freshly boosted with the bivalent, too, and everyone there seemed to be as cautious as us about safety protocols. We had a really great time, except my brother assured us they were doing Secret Santa amongst themselves and we didn't need to bring gifts, but then they gave us a gift and my mum was horrified that we hadn't brought anything. My SIL gave me some socks that come with matching socks for Pax which is adorable and fun, but he'll never, ever let me put them on him. He still doesn't like his collar put on.

He had his checkup and we were able to learn a little more about what's wrong with his legs which is, the vet doesn't know what's wrong with his legs. Apparently there's just not a lot of flexibility in them. He's given us some medication to help reduce inflammation, and maybe that will make the poor boy a little more willing to go on walks. He's still very happy, though, and being mostly well-behaved, except for his perpetually stealing of socks from the den. It just makes him so proud of himself and he doesn't eat them, just 'kills' them, so we let him do it. He has to have some fun being bratty.

I've fallen into a giant Sims 4-shaped hole for the last couple of months. The base game is free to play now and I got hooked on it. I bought a bit of DLC during the Black Friday sales, and I'm having a really good time. It's character creation and story-telling and house decorating! All my faves! I admit I like the house decorating the most and it's a nice way to feel creative without pushing my brain too hard.

I think that's all there is to report right now. We're Christmassing it up here and we'll have my brother and SIL over for Christmas Eve, as is our tradition. Hope you all are coping with life!

rantage and randomosity, misc./non-fic

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