These two really like to play with their shippers' heart. That is one thing for sure. They always did this to me. I was about to give up and accept the fact that they won't be together - even samcedes is a hopeless case in my opinion. Ever since their birthdays' tweets last year, there wasn't really an interaction between these two. Then, all the celebration of filming the 100th episode of Glee - where Chord went on a selfie rampage with his co-stars. I asked for a picture with Amber and a minute later, he posted a selfie of the two of them together.
@chordoverstreet can we have a picture of you and
@MsAmberPRiley ?
- ♫DorknHime♡ (@awa_naj)
January 17, 2014 Who has better lips? Me... Or
@msamberpriley? - Chord Overstreet (@chordoverstreet)
January 17, 2014 All of his pictures with other co-stars didn't really scream 'closeness' but look at how close he was with Amber! Another thing about these two is that they were never seen together outside of works. Usually it was three of them - Chord, Amber and Harry. You know, it seems fishy. Therefore, in my headcannon, Chord and Amber are using Harry as a pawn to cover up their relationship! I am so looking forward for the customary birthdays' tweets between them this month!
Ma boys
@chordoverstreet @iharryshum - Amber Patrice Riley (@MsAmberPRiley)
February 1, 2014 Above tweet was from when the three of them went for a starbuck run during filming. This is another outing with the three of them from last year.
In my opinion, RileyStreet is on. I wish so.