Oct 07, 2009 19:09
So general things, it has been a rather long time since I made an entry. I am back in nottingham, attempting to do my final year after the hiatus and my stint in the soul crushing world of iron mongery, under the evil regime of malevolent egotistical incompetent management. Some of my modules are interesting, one on russian society and culture for history, one on Political Utopianism with a very lovely lecturer whom i had a nice conversation with- in the discussion about utopias I told her about my friend Charlie who lives with hippies in devon and she said that this would constitute an "intentional community" and that i could even use it in my dissertation, although i think the plan is still to do it on the Death Penalty. I have been trying for 2 days now to get hold of some archaeic films about peasantry, "Peasants Lot" and another one, the library only has video formats so have to watch it in there, but other students have got there before me and it has evaded me thus far. Academic stuff seems ok, and I met a nice girl in my history seminar which is refreshing considering the presence of moneyed fake tanned Karni division that can seem ubitiquous. The house is ok and i do like my housemates though they're often quite cliquey, 3 of the girls having gone to school together and they have all their own in jokes etc. I get the impression one of them could be a bit bossy and assertive at times but i haven't really seen this yet, being a natural pacifist i prefer to avoid conflict.
I have been going out a bit recently, which is nice to meet some new people, which I have, and building new friendships etc and keeping up with the couple of older friends i have. It is refreshing to be around intelligent, interesting people again, who I am able to relate to, the world of retail immersed me in the unwelcome conversational territory of football and betting on football, cars and discussions about the break up of Peter and Jordan. My addiction to chocolate fudge cake is quite bad, but this is ok I feel.