oops, more work for me

Jun 11, 2007 07:21

At the SWOC AGM at ConComCon, a bid for ConComCon in 2009 in Vancouver was announced. Co-chairs are Alex von Thorn and Marah Searle-Kovacevic. Danielle Stephens, chair of V-Con, has agreed to help. (The bid will be voted on at the next C-Cubed in Seattle in 2008.)

SWOC elected the following members of the board of directors for two-year terms: Sally Woehrle, Susan Robinson, Alex von Thorn, Jim Granger. They will be joining Bobbie DuFault, Jerry Gieseke, and Shawn Marier. Jerry will continue as Chair, Susan Robinson as Treasurer, and Shawn Marier as Vice-Chair, while Jim Granger will become the new Secretary.

Sally Woehrle's bid to run ConComCon in 2008 was approved unanimously. I will be webmaster for C-Cubed (as I have been doing since, um, Tuesday). We will use our new mascot, "Cubey, the Sea Cucumber of C-Cubed" (say it out loud; repeat it a few times if you can) on the web site.

My objective in hosting a Canadian ConComCon is to invite not only conrunners from Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Utah, British Columbia and Alberta (drakkenfyre, this means you ;) ), but also from across Canada. I'm hoping we can bring some new thought and demonstrate some solved problems in areas that seem to continually thwart Canadian conrunners, while also show some of the best of Canadian conrunning to our American friends. Our (provisional) theme will be "Passing on the Torch: Bringing Fandom to a New Generation." My mental outline on panels includes one on making special interests work for the convention, retaining the institutional memory of the group (both organizational and technical issues), how to not actively discourage volunteers, and how to not turn mistakes into sacred traditions because "we did it that way last year".

seattle, conventions

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