Dream 005

Mar 26, 2010 19:01

Warnings: [Violence, cannibalism, standard DDS-fare. Some very light spoilers for the second Manipura visit?]
Effects: [Lucid dream is in effect! Step in! Have banter with an angry and confused Argilla! Fight hordes of enemy mooks and explore dream!Manipura! And have some images for reference.]

Trapped. )


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always_forgot March 27 2010, 02:35:28 UTC
[Kiyoshi appears, and immediately recognizes a few of the demons. Nekomata. Pixie. Was this another world taken over by demons?]

[A Nozuchi tries to get the jump on him, and he responds with a Holy Dance in its face, leaving the demon motionless in seconds.]


avorelanche March 27 2010, 03:03:22 UTC
[That flash of light doesn't escape Argilla's notice. She doesn't see the source of it; there's several buildings between her and whatever caused it, but following one of the roads takes care of that.

She looks confused when she turns the last corner, and finds herself looking at a familiar, but very out of place face.]

"What are you doing here?"


always_forgot March 27 2010, 03:08:20 UTC
... Honestly? I have no idea. I think I'm in your dream, but I'm not sure.

[He shrugs, and then his eyes narrow a fraction.]

I think there's a demon behind you.

[Holy shit what is that thing?]


avorelanche March 27 2010, 04:04:40 UTC
[Not long for this mortal coil, that's what it is. Or, in more basic terms, it's demon meat.

Argilla acts fast when she sees it, putting herself between the newcomer and the Solid, and narrows her eyes. A spark seems to be rolling off the thing's back and arcing towards her, and Argilla grits her teeth to keep from grunting or crying out when it hits her. Her muscles buzz and ache as the current runs through them, but in another moment that pain gets replaced with a different type; instead, her arms are twitching because they're forcing themselves apart, unfolding into whips.]

"Leave it to me."

[She has time to get out before talking becomes hard. Prithivi throws herself forward then, slamming into the demon hard enough to make the ground shake.]


always_forgot March 27 2010, 04:17:40 UTC
[He watches her transformation, interested, and casts a Diaharan on Argilla.]

As you wish.

[ :3 ]


avorelanche March 27 2010, 04:30:37 UTC
[The spell is something she's familiar with; she's cast similar things before, and had them also used on her.

As someone who looks like a human, for all purposes, though? That's surprising, and for a moment it almost makes her pause in confusion. The Nue keeps that from happening as it tries to throw her off, though.

The fight doesn't last long; just an explosion of rock later, and the Nue is looking much less alive then before, all full of rock shards and with it's head at an angle that doesn't look very natural.

Prithivi lifts her head up to look at him once its finished. (Or at least, as much as something can look without eyes) But she doesn't fully turn, and there's some wet, ripping noises that seem oddly close to the...chest area.]


always_forgot March 27 2010, 04:37:52 UTC
[He watches the fight, curious as to how both of them are attacking, since he's never seen either species of demon before. Once the Nue is dead and Argilla lifts her head, he nods, not really bothered by the boob-mouths. You stop noticing such things after being followed around by a bunch of half-naked demons. Certain lines have to be drawn.]

Do you need any more healing?


avorelanche March 27 2010, 04:59:26 UTC

[The word comes out sounding rough, and like she's talking around something filling up her mouth(s) and sliding down her throat. As Prithivi fully turns around to face him, she seems lose the armor spines and extra three feet. By the time she starts moving towards him, Argilla is the one that sets her feet down.]

"...I'm fine. Thanks for the spell."


always_forgot March 27 2010, 05:04:14 UTC
[... O-oh. Well, thankfully he's developed a fairly strong stomach, though it's still a bit disturbing to see at first.]

You're welcome.

Ah... so is this... your world?


avorelanche March 27 2010, 05:13:05 UTC
[Argilla nods, while looking more carefully at him. He...Really doesn't look like he belongs here, aside from the red pants. Those, strangely, are almost welcome compared to all the yellow she's been seeing here.]

"This is the Junkyard-"

[She starts to say, and then stops as she hears a low growl from somewhere close by. It doesn't sound like Varna, or Vayu...And she's just starting to realize she doesn't know where the others are.

Nothing attacks them, though. At least, not just yet. Argilla looks back at him for a moment, before her eyes go back to scanning the area and pause when she sees a door that's been left slightly ajar.]

"It's dangerous standing in one place, out here. We should get inside if we're going to talk."


always_forgot March 27 2010, 05:19:37 UTC
... You've got a point.

[He heads towards the door, trying to squash down on his energy. Could the demons here even sense it, or, for that matter, recognize it, since it wasn't from their world?]


avorelanche March 27 2010, 05:35:46 UTC
[And Argilla follows close behind. The door slides open with a bit of pushing, and then slides back just as easily. There's nothing lurking on the other side of it, thankfully; just an empty room with a spare bunk, some chairs, and some now empty/ransacked shelves. Argilla's foot sends a can rolling across the floor as she finishes closing the door.]

"...At least we only have to watch one entrance."

[She crosses her arms as she looks back at him.]

"Now...What were you talking about, before?"


always_forgot March 27 2010, 05:49:38 UTC
People seem to have been showing up in each other's dreams lately, and being aware of it. It's happened to me a few times.

[He shrugs.]


avorelanche March 28 2010, 01:19:16 UTC
"...A dream?"

[Since she was fighting for her life, and to escape just a few moments ago, Argilla's reaction to that is less then excited, or accepting. She scowls at him as she takes that in, and then shakes her head.]

"That doesn't make any sense. And why the hell would I want to think back on this in my sleep!?"

[Her hand shoots out as she says that, making a dull clunk when it hits the metal wall.]


always_forgot March 28 2010, 01:58:01 UTC
[Her little outburst doesn't cause that vague smile to leave his face.]

Dreams are strange things.

[And... finally... the smile turns down a bit.]

Why would I want to dream about fighting Beldr? Or about all the people who died in the Lockdown?


avorelanche March 28 2010, 02:23:20 UTC
"I'm getting that."

[To her credit, Argilla keeps from growling or showing any teeth when she says that. She doesn't sound very happy about it, though.

And when she hears something more outside, she's also quick to pull her hand away from the wall, and face the door. Through the crack between it and the wall, she can faintly hear voices; they don't sound like Serph or Gale, either.]

"Thought you heard something?"

[If she wasn't worried about drawing attention, she'd probably swear. As it is, she motions to Kiyoshi to stay quiet for a moment...And hopes that whatever is outside keeps moving.]


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