A ripping yarn

May 05, 2011 16:43

Oh, sis! I heard about the zombie who took a bite out of your arm! What a story!

You were on a Carnival Cruise in the sunny Mediterranean, when suddenly the ship was attacked by barbary pirates, who took you captive and carried you off to the Levant to be sold into a harem. But you escaped, crossed overland, and bartered your jewelry in return for passage on a diamond smugglers ship.

In the Northern Atlantic, off the coast of the Scottish Hebrides, you escaped a maelstrom after single-handedly battling a giant kracken, with the broken saber you took off your slain captain. But the strange illness that infected the crew after they'd cannibalized their Viking slave masters turned them all into zombies. And one of them bit your arm.

Wasn't that what had happened?
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