May 07, 2010 08:57
First bike commute of the year and certainly in a long while. 9.03 miles in 38:00 minutes, driveway to security, on the mountain bike. That's pretty much a 50% increase in my commute time (generally somewhere in the 20 to 25 minute range by car).
I figure I can shave about 3 to 4 minutes off that (6 tops) on the mountain bike, but not much more as I was topped out about 30 to 40% of the time. Maybe I could get it down to a reliable 28 on the road bike? Sounds like a plan...if I can keep air in the damned tires.
Anyway, super shout out to Paul O. (aka Hairy) for the bike rack, which served as motivation to try the commute again. Woot!