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Dec 09, 2021 12:16

I came in and said hi to one of the library workers whom I've befriended (ever since Benito came toddling in here and asked her her name), and started chatting a little, and got talking about missing our families. I want to travel to mine in 2022 in the US. She sympathized. She has one sister in Australia (maybe sister-in-law but very close) who was diagnosed with cancer, and she can't go be with her. She has a sister in Kuala Lampur who is starting to get dementia and lose her hearing but won't listen to her daughter who lives with her/close enough to help her and be with her, but if my friend could go visit her maybe she'd be able to talk sense to her sibling instead of the daughter trying to help her mom. Another sister lives in Singapore and would visit the one in KL but travel restrictions. My coworker's daughter has been planning a wedding for 2022 for two years now, but now my coworker needs to talk to her eager daughter about having a back-up wedding plan, since it seems that 2022 isn't the end of COVID-times quite yet.

I miss my family. It could be a lot worse. I have blessings: a job, a home, no flooding or fire damage; friends, community, health, access to all the things that make life easier at home.

I still miss them. I still feel a sense of futility in starting to look at airline costs (still too soon to look if I want to travel in April). Heck, maybe I should propose that we all come over to Seattle for a weekend get-away: I'm allowed to travel outside of Canada for 72 hours with no additional hoops to jump upon return.

It's hard to emotionally balance. I guess that's it right now: I've had great laughter, I've been frustrated, I've worried over what turned out to be nothing, I had a casual question that stepped on a bit of a tiny emotional bomb; I've tried to be present, I've tried to add beauty (that was successful), I've gotten almost NO outside time. I have 15 minute before my next student, and it's sunny: I think I'm going to step out, get some vitamin D.

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