T minus 2 nights and counting...

Apr 05, 2020 22:03

Things that got done today:

9:30: Benito's Hebrew school class made chocolate matzah cake. Soak sheets of matzah in liquid (grape juice if you have it, or wine, or coffee), put on large plate, spread Nutella or chocolate as well as you can (which in this case is "poorly, this stuff will not stick to wet matzah!"), do as many layers as you can manage in ~30 minutes, garnish with fruit on top (we had grapes on hand, so I halved them and Benito smooshed them into the top layer of Nutella). Cover with tinfoil, refrigerate. We had ours for dessert tonight: as tasty as you might expect. *shrug* My tummy hurt pretty quickly after having about 4 bites. Too much matzah. *sigh*

10: My Hebrew school class, for 30 minutes but really closer to 22. Of course, it didn't start at 10, because it was 10:01 before the previous one ended, then I had to log in to the shul's Zoom account and figure out how to get into my meeting, which I thought I did but then I thought I failed... so anyway, 10:06 or so my class started, and 2 out of 3 were there but one was having an audio glitch and one was having video AND audio glitch. Anyway, showed a Shaboom video on Passover and discussed it, also ran about a minute late for the next class. Blargh.

Benito watched a LOT of Octonauts today. I'm cool with that. I put up 2 loads of laundry and the dishwasher.

I did food planning for Pesach, went out to the Save On (standard grocery store) near me, only to recall that A. the liquor store next door to it is closed on Sundays due to COVID-19, thanks a lot COVID-19, you jerk, and B. I don't actually need anything at this store if I'm going to the other store that has Kosher for Passover stuff after lunch, so I just bought eggs and cottage cheese and another box of matzah (because I'm annoyed at opening the one I opened today and I don't actually expect us to use 3 boxes of matzah but I'd like to have at least 2).

Lunch was had by all, together.

I did the Pesach shopping, all groceries except produce. I am pleased - I used the points racked up over the last many months to cover the 3/4 of the bill. KP stuff is expensive. Also, I'm out of points now.

Rick worked 4-10 PM, out of the house by 3:30. I played (mostly Wii but also ~30 minutes of soccer in the front yard and another ~10 minutes of frisbee) with Benito, heated tasty leftovers for dinner (huge pot of food made yesterday), played s'more, read a chapter in our new Dog Man and Cat Kid book, had a great tickle/wrestle/silliness time on my bed, and got him in his bed by 9:10.

What I have not done: the meat dishes in the sink from the last 2 dinners, cleaned the kitchen top to bottom, cleaned the fridge top to bottom, cleaned the oven, tackled the pantry (it's small but disorganized), move my workspace from the study/office/Rick's hobby room to the kitchen table so that he can better organize and then use that space.

Things that do not need to get done before Pesach: the work space stuff. Rick just found out he's working this M-W but is home R--Sat, so he can deal with the room when we're all home and I can entertain Benito and he can focus on that space.

Things Rick and I can do together: clean the kitchen. He can do dishes while I clean the fridge. I can then clean the counters while he clears off the kitchen table. That might be our Monday. Tuesday night I can clean the oven while setting up the Pesach space(s) and maybe make matzah ball batter.

This entry was originally posted at https://avivasedai.dreamwidth.org/731994.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

holiday, life, judaism

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