It feels like forever...

May 30, 2019 18:52

... but we've already determined that for me, "forever" could be anything more than a week (when it comes to memories/experiences). Anyway, it feels like forever since I last posted, and given that it's now May 30th, the vast month of May has come and gone, and it was a busy month.

Benito's birthday happened: he is now 5! He's pretty happy to be 5, though he still doesn't want to give up pull-ups, and he's taken to saying "I want to be a kid forever," right alongside "I want to live forever." I don't poo-poo either sentiment; who doesn't want those things? I think I said once "It's possible you could live a long long time," thinking about the advancements in medicine and technology that have happened in the last 100 years and who knows what might come in the following.

We had 3 birthday events. The first was on his actual birthday: we all went to my MIL's for dinner, with flan, and a special birthday cake - mona, the traditional Easter cake made in Spain. Since we weren't with her for Easter, this was the replacement Easter meal. He got presents and 2 desserts and it was a grand night. The following day was Saturday/shabbat; we stayed home from synagogue so as not to stress out Rick and therefore me. We made sure we had all our party supplies, and Rick went out to the park early to try and secure the one gazebo they have. He met with success, so we didn't have to set up the awning/tent we borrowed from a friend, and Benito and I got there around 1:15 PM for the 2 PM party. We set up, and friends started arriving around 2. The party was called for 2-5. Some kids stayed the whole time, one was there for only the first hour, one or two came an hour or so late, no big deal, it's in a park! This worked out fantastically, and I even went to the effort of NOT ORGANIZING any specific games that would have been fun, sure, but would've been herding these cats when they just want to playplayplay! There were enough parents to station themselves strategically throughout the park on benches so that we had lines of sight on all the kids, and they could roam from area to area as they pleased. Overall, a good time was had, and of course we bought/made too much food so had leftovers for home (veggies, fruit, cake, cookies).

On May 18th, we had our (adult) friends over to celebrate both my and Benito's belated birthdays. (Mine was while we were in Florida.) We had a good time hanging out, I made more than enough food, and pb cupcakes with chocolate frosting (also too many), and once Benito was in bed we played some fun Dominion! It's been too long since I got to play that with my friends. We stayed up WAY too late with the friends with whom we usually stay up late, but this time they had to drive home instead of us! *grin* The following day there was no Hebrew school because May 20th was Victoria Day, so we suffered through our shorted sleep well enough.

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birthday, benito

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