Almost there...

Jun 01, 2005 11:22

I'm doing better than yesterday. I got a few things off my chest, and realised that I was being stupid about a lot of things. I'm still VERY much on the edge, but I'll get over it by the end of next week.

I keep saying I'm not worried about finals, but I am. At least they're all spread out over the course of a few days, so that I don't have to go one right after the other. I need to not drive in on Thursday of finals week, 'cause I think that's pub day. Wewt! That's one of the things I have to look forward to. After this last week of classes, however, a great weight will be lifted, 'cause it just means I have two papers and an essay test due, and time to get them done, to boot. And I get an honest to goodness DAY OFF on Monday, 6/13, because I requested to not work Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at Subway over the summer. Let's hope they stick with that.

Speaking of Subway, can we say "die, day crew, die"? I'm blaming last night on them, though, in all actuality, I should blame last night on customers who just HAD to have Subway last night. We made more than day crew, and that NEVER happens. We made 200 USD more than they did. Werd. However, they didn't overstock the cooler, they didn't load enough bread, and didn't do much of anything else, so we had to scramble around to stock the cooler for them so they didn't bitch to Bill about it, and we had to load extra bread 'cause they were left with, like, NOTHING because they didn't load us enough last night. I'm sure that'll end up being my fault, somehow. *rolls eyes* I had to wait until *after* we closed to do most of my inventory, so Shequetta and I left after 11:15, and we close at 10:30. If this happens again on Thursday, I'll break things.

Today is full of form fillings. I have to finish doing FAFSA for me and mom, and I want to turn in club stuff today, so I have to retype the constitution and send it to Nicole for ratification, then I'll turn stuff in and fill out an involvement fair form for them. And that will probably end my JMAC stuff for a while. It was a nice ride, but my time is indeed over.

And now, to work.

jmac, school, worky

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