Regarding lists.

Jul 22, 2009 11:33

I've come to look forward to my weekly ride home from almost one end of the CTA to another. It spans three lines: Orange line (Midway to Roosevelt), Red line (Roosevelt to Howard), and Yellow line (Howard to Dempster). About three quarters of the way down, I felt the writing itch. Well, what I really felt was the crossword puzzle itch, but my DS was dead and I had no paper crossword on me. So I pulled out my ever-present notebook, dated a new page, and proceeded to stare blankly at it.

I knew I wanted to write something. I wanted to try my hand at fiction again. But I couldn't write a word. I've had scenes in my head. I've had the desire to continue stories put by the wayside. I just haven't been able to do it. All I want to do nowadays is make lists. Wedding lists, chore lists, grocery lists, to-do lists; that's all I write nowadays. It's a good thing on one end, as it keeps me generally in line. But it's also kind of a sad thing. I keep telling myself that once the wedding is over, I'll be able to focus less on lists and more on other writing. Here's hoping that is the case.

Despite all this, I am going to fill the rest of this entry with lists. So there.

--call Ricardo (*shudder*)
--call brides
--mail cantor music
--straighten office
--Dominicks (?)
--clean out cabinets

--wedding appointment 11:00 AM
--random office work
--wedding appointment 6:30 PM
--happy hour (as it were)

**DAY OFF!!**
--buy stamps
--print out labels
--hassle parents (both sets) for addresses
--assemble some invitations
--do something about garage (but there are so many spiders!!)
--grocery shopping

--Pre-Cana (9:00-4:30)
--misc. housework
--pick up Hans at airport

Free day? Say WHAT?

--finish assembling invitations

And that's that!

writing, brain full, lists

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