Wow. o.o

May 11, 2004 16:35

I just wrote the longest private entry of my entire life. It's even longer than the brain conversations I had with myself at about this time last year, and just as vindictive. Word.

Ah, well, it helped a little bit.

Things to do tonight (to get back on the boring side):
--work (done!)
--ENG 300 paper (Started...have three versions to decide between before Thursday. ><)
--look up where I-94 runs (done!)
--look up where I-90 runs (done!)
--Ovid (done!)
--deletions (working on; will finish tomorrow)
--REL presentation work (Did as much work as I can with no one else in the group helping...)
--wash hair (done!)
--clean house a bit (done by Tiffy...grr...)
--call Hans (done!)
--call Kyuu (done...though he wasn't home...)

--tutor Don @ 10 AM (done!)
--work (done!)
--finish deletions (hopefully done by 3 today)
--tutor Phil @ 2 PM
--Fashion Bug
--downtown? (whatever we're doing with Kyuu (I almost typed his real name twice. ><) and possibly Alex and possibly Lowell)
--finish HW

...whee, full days. And I have to find out how in the hell I'm going to cart everyone around on Thursday. Jer, did you find out about the stupid Thursday reg?


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