(no subject)

May 10, 2004 10:51

[three words that sum you up]: sleepy, tired, and achy (at least today)
[jewelry worn daily]: my class ring and some sort of dangly necklace.
[wallet]: no wallet
[coffee]: regular coffee with cream and six sugars, caramel macchiatos, or frappucinos
[shoes]: black gym shoes
[cologne/perfume]: right now, morning glory
[clothing you have on]: those black shoes, khakis, and my low cut mauve shirt

[wishing]: that my back didn’t hurt
[after this]: putting the heat pack on my back and hopefully getting a massage
[talking to]: nobody
[eating]: nothing
[fetishes]: I don’t think I have any…
[some favorite movies]: Apollo 13, Sense and Sensibility, the LOTR films, the Harry Potter flicks, Dogma, Remains of the Day…
[something you're looking forward to]: Acen!
[last thing you ate]: a piece of Lowell’s cinnamon raisin bagel
[something you’re afraid of]: lightning bees!
[if you could have any animal as a pet]: BABY KITTY!
[cities you wouldn’t mind moving too]: Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, London
[some favorite foods]: Chinese and Italian
[something -or someone- you wish you could understand better]: Naruto
[miss someone you haven't seen in a long time]: Psycho and Evie! ;-;

[like candles]: Yep
[like company]: Most of the time.
[believe in soul mates]: Yep
[believe in love at first sight]: Yep
[believe in forgiveness]: Yep
[want to get married]: Yep
[want to have kids]: Yep
[ever want to adopt kids]: don’t know; haven’t thought about it that much.

[cried]: Yep
[bought something]: Yep; food
[gotten sick]: Nope
[sang]: Nope
[eaten]: Yep
[been kissed]: Yep
[felt stupid]: Nope
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: Nope
[talked to an ex]: Yep
[talked to someone you have a crush on]: Yep
[had a serious talk]: Yep
[missed someone]: Yep
[hugged someone]: Yep
[argued with a parent(s)]: Nope

[best girl friend(s)]: Sarah, Kate, Alex
[best guy friend(s)]: Lowell, Carl, Kyuu
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: Lowell
[hobbies]: reading, writing, singing, dancing
[pager/cell]: Nokia 3585. It needs a new faceplate.
[are the you the center of attention or a wallflower]: I like being center of attention if I can get it, but if not, it’s cool.
[car you drive]: white Mazda MX-6. It’s manual. ^^
[would you rather be with friends or on a date]: Either one is grand.
[job]: Lab/teacher assistant in DePaul’s Quantitative Reasoning Dept.
[attend church]: not since Easter.
[like being around people]: Sometimes, yes.

[who is your role model]: Hmm…Kate and Lex and Lowell’s dad and Hans. Don’t ask.
[pet peeves]: people who don’t use turning signals. Grr.
[ever liked someone you can't be with]: Yeah, I did.
[ever wanted to get revenge on someone cause they hurt you]: Maybe…
[cried over the opposite sex]: quite often.
[your favorite physical appearance]: …on who? O.o
[are you happy with yourself]: Most of the time, yes.
[what plans do you have for the future]: I’d like to be teaching Restoration Literature to college students who don’t know what Restoration Literature is, because they never do.
[who do you really hate]: …someone, probably.
[who's your most trustworthy family member]: Sally.

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